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Everything posted by 33Spec2

  1. I hav a n/a skyline and its done me well as a first car but hopefully soon ill b able 2 swap it 4 a turbo! i think that you would hav to do an engine swap to make it a turbo as internals and setup is differrent
  2. 600 wat the hell!!! damn why is yours so low! who did u sleep wit 2 score that?! mmmmm yeah mines high but i dont hav many other choices ill try a broker next time yeah im off 2 good nite!
  3. hahah only on 4 a few minutes and i get page ownership!
  4. hhhhhhhmmmmmmmm harsh words! i c u get grumpy at this hour of the nite!
  5. wat can you possibly b watchin that is better than talkin 2 me!!!! Oh you must b watchin late nite sbs! by the way my quick reply is not workin??????????????
  6. i believe that button locks the passenger window so it cant be used - correct me if im wrong but thats what it does on mine!
  7. hello everybody
  8. Hahahaha b very carefull posting a thread on insurance as the older members will rip into you 4 not using the search button up top! By the way i hav a non turbo r33 and im 19 classic is pretty much the only place that would insure me im paying $2500 a year!
  9. Hey thanx 4 pm Micko im definitely gonna go!
  10. www.prestigemotorsport.com
  11. Up top on this page there is a button that says search if u click that then type in insurance you will find heaps of usefull info! Yeah there is a really really nice light blue R34 on the prestige mailing list but i cant b bothered lookin 4 it search round on here - www.prestigemotorsport.com
  12. anyway im outta here see you all later!!
  13. if a post whore like u can get a job it gives us all hope!
  14. how old r u?
  15. Did you study paul? how many years?
  16. hehehe ive worked far woorse places like KFC, Fast eddies, a vet and a pub filled wit seedy old men pervin on skimpys!
  17. studyin interior design but prob gonna swap to graphic design coz more money involved! still hav bout 2 years 2 go! id get a first home buyer deposit but
  18. i luv nandos! 2 much of a rip off but!
  19. worked full time for a year but now only part time hope 2 get a second job and be doing round 25-30 hours a week work hav 2 work round tafe hours
  20. wat you studyin adrian? not sure if ive already asked this
  21. mmmmm yeah parentals are trying to get me to buy a house! not sure wat ill do yet! hey wats up adrian!
  22. hell yeah!!! wat is? take the piss on Russ day? jeez!
  23. You didnt watch it!!!!!!!!! shame!!!!!! yeah i should hav but studying means less time 2 work means less money if i get a good job or 2 ill defineatly get one its jus the insurance i cant afford but im hoping itll only b about $500 more i figure if i sell my car for $16000 - $17000 ill defineatly hav enough 2 buy a turbo and then i can start saving 4 my r34!
  24. did you even watch it? 2 young hahaha 19 its 2 old! twat, muff muff, box wateva u wanna call it!
  25. no u twat the guys jacket!
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