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Everything posted by 33Spec2

  1. You know her Pva? is she on this forum?
  2. I saw a purple R32 today driven by a girl!! might have been owners g/f as he was in passenger seat but im very interested 2 know who she is anyone know?
  3. Sambuca yuk yuk yuk! no occaision! do i need an occaision 2 get drunk? nah just decided 2 get pissed wit tafe friends and thurs is the only nite we all hav free so we goin 2 Bennys then they want 2 hit the karoake bar on leach hwy! i think they r addicted 2 karoake!
  4. Canadian Club one of the great things 2 cum out of canada the other being me! hehehe
  5. hehe ill b drinkin 2morra nite in freo! i really shouldnt b coz i hav tafe the next mornin but oh well im gonna b sick!
  6. mmmmmmmmm Baileys! i hav a bottle but 2 afraid 2 touch it as its been on my shelf 4 quite some time! u reckon its still ok?
  7. hey Lauren!!!!!!!! wats up? life eh pretty boring!
  8. Maybe your car will end up in a magazine or on today tonight! Only thing i can say is neva let it out of your sight! I left mine just out front my house and some prick stole my badges! my car isnt even great looking some ppl r just jerks!
  9. You might want 2 talk to someone like geoff Risby at Prestige Motorsport as he would be best to help with import laws and how much R34 prices are - he also imported my car 4 me! As for you insurance damn!!!! id hate 2 think wat it could reach possibly $4-$5000 if not more!
  10. haha thats heaps more than i hav!
  11. i was hoping id hav exhaust done at least b4 sun but it looks like i wont hav time!
  12. yeah cannington not 2 far ummmmmm nothin hahaha only had it three months and i quit my job b4 i started tafe so now i only work part time at KFC so no money 2 do anything but hopefully ill hav a new job soon!
  13. riverton how bout you?
  14. anyway gotsta go now cya later!
  15. you beat me im 19 but look younger than i am ill prob get 2 meet u on sun!
  16. yep should b there jus look 4 the really young guy! yeah i know wat u mean bout tafe i just about fell asleep in class 2day!
  17. Hey adrian wats up? yeah im leavin soon 2 takin tafe off!? you slacker! R u goin on sunday cruise?
  18. going 2 bed soo early paul! feeling sick r u? hehehe yeah no tafe 4 me 2mora! i can go all nite long! cya then!
  19. cya Micko out wit page ownage 2!
  20. kiss chasey? 2 many boys! bet u like it like that!
  21. totem tennis!
  22. nope im slow! will look now!
  23. start a new thread asking 4 numbers coz heaps of ppl hav said they are goin but none hav posted
  24. Hey is there an official map yet? and wat time approx will we b bak?
  25. Thats not to bad id probably import to save a few thousand
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