hopefully ill b able 2 change those rims soon
yeah my dad is like that - your drivin 2 fast, slow down 4 the corner, dont you know the speed limit is 60
ssssshut up!
b4 you could tell due 2 the blue badges but they were stolen so i replaced em wit nismo badges from marlows bit ricey but i like it
yeah i hate cars with dashs filled wit toys a friend tried 2 put one of those shaking elvis toys on my window well let me just say they r no longer a friend!
damn looks much better surrounded by crap cars! hehe had 2 get rid of all those stoopid maccas toys i just realised b4 i left, my friends stuck em on my dash - those elmo heads!
there was a nice white one next 2 mine he said hi 2 me think his nik was Neo