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Everything posted by 33Spec2

  1. I saw one 2day in purple it was soooooo nice
  2. Does that mean there is something 2 tell Niz?
  3. hehehe yeah testing i think its called Sneeza or so they say
  4. Hey hey wats up Sneeza? Thought i saw your car the other day white one with conversion but then i remembered yours was pearl white
  5. hahaha yeah ken im willing 2 help pay 4 part of that room!
  6. R34, Aurora-one looks interesting tell us if its any good once youve used it Has any1 else tried it and can tell me how it went?
  7. Yeah i bought Meguires plastic cleaner from Marlows in Freo 2day just stopped by was lookin 4 Brasso but was told this was better worked really well 2 should hav taken a b4 and afta pic!
  8. Just wanted 2 start a thread 2 find out wat products everyone uses 2 wash their car inside and out. Went 2 one of those self wash car washes and it was pretty crap so i want 2 know wat hav u found works best on your car? Thanx
  9. that was my desktop wallpaper i suggest u make it yours 2 hehehe!
  10. No No its in perfect condition like new so id say the k's are genuine
  11. ooooops double post!
  12. Here mmmmmmmmmmm
  13. Here mmmmmmmmmmm
  14. 96 45000k's
  15. Guess ill have 2 wait till the end of the yaer then import a turbo hopefully then ill hav paid off this car and saved sum money
  16. Paid $15000 root a boy? maybe not but i would do Onya
  17. i spose i can sell the car for the same price i bought it
  18. wouldnt it b quicker and cheaper 2 bolt on a turbo then waste time selling and buying a car?
  19. I would luv 2 hopefully ill find a job that will pay me lots! wats a good turbo 2 get?
  20. Arent u watchin it?
  21. R they on mirc? If no then yes i would be worried!
  22. K cool thanx
  23. No havent tried Brasso where do i get it from? ill give it a go
  24. hey wats up maybe u can answer the above question 4 me
  25. How does that work? R u able to reach them from the engine bay?
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