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Everything posted by 33Spec2

  1. my car really not fit 4 an avatar! maybe wen i get rims and crap or i could just photoshop it
  2. thats my sister!!
  3. yep same coz by the time im ready itll b 6:30 plus the time it takes 2 get down there another stupid question how do i get there? directions please?
  4. K its unda Nizmo wat time r u gona b there? im trying 2 drag friends along but none wanna cum! bastrds!
  5. I wish i had a turbo but cant afford one right now already payin $2500 in insurance plus im studyin so ill hav 2 wait a couple of years unless i find a really high payin job!
  6. Yep 4 sure coz i know ill b a loner as i neva been b4 mines 0402422908 yeah thats wat we hav a protege! ive actually seen a done up one around and it didnt look 2 bad
  7. Hey ill b by myself 2 cos i dont finish wrk till 6! every1 will already b there Maybe ill park my dads mazda next 2 mine and take a pic or even beta ill add mums camry! hehehe
  8. My car hmmm pretty crap should i change it?
  9. Peer pressure
  10. Every1 is changin their avatar pics maybe i should change mine?
  11. hello how is every1 2day?
  12. my god even him!
  13. k every1 has piked i take it site was down
  14. wat was wit dat couldnt enter site?
  15. u know what would b cool nismo underwear! hmmm another idea 4 my ricey shop hahaha
  16. the underwear sik as in good!
  17. Niz thats sik!
  18. velcro pants! r u serious!?
  19. how the hell do u dress 4 speed? red shirt 2 go faster?
  20. your talkin bout a picture of your car in that calander right!? hahaha
  21. Good thinking maybe u should invite more chicks then! and some pets 2 run across the road
  22. U may distract him while hes drivin! so u beta wear something like a granny outfit!
  23. yeah hopefully itll b money well spent! especially if it helps me avoid an accident
  24. sorry was tryin 2 do tafe work! get 2 photoshop my car 4 graphic design!
  25. yeah i think everyones stolen a witches hat b4 so they will b lookin 4 revenge!
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