hahaha its ok 4 me coz every1 says i look 12 well not that young
yeah church seems 2 be the club 4 asians dont know why but i dont usually go there coz i feel like an outsider
bouncers haha friday at Newport threw this guy out the door for jumpin in the window and jeeez ive neva seen a guy fly so far he landed face first in the middle of the road!
20 so old hahaaha im gona b 20 this year! nooooooo i get so much crap from all my friends coz they younger! i went out wed thurs and fri so i had my rest last nite
yeah u hav 2 live in appartments no backyard barbies!
and alcohol very very expensive nnnnnnnooooooo id neva b able 2 get pissed! i cant live there!
im so jeleous! My uncles a Qantas pilot but only his family gets discount
i really wanna go bak soon 24 hour shoppin hellllllll yeah! sooo much better than perth but 2 expensive 2 live there!