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Everything posted by 33Spec2

  1. Yeah twice! i love it went 2 malaysia as well on Superstar Virgo! how did u get crew discount!?
  2. We should open a store called the Ricey shop thats a great name!
  3. hahahaha cya im off 2 Singapore! wat a great excuse 4 a holiday buy mum im off 2 singapore 2 find little black lites! i love it there sooo much shoppers paradise!
  4. oooooh yeah they are cool where do u get em from?
  5. cya Psiker
  6. Interesting i neva knew that im tryin 2 find the one that goes around the cd player now but not that flexiglow stuff i find that a bit tacky
  7. Where do u wrk Psiker?
  8. i got a ricey handbrake cover from there! Currently i hav 2 blue neons under the seats which giv the car a cool glow but u cant really c them from outside so i hav them on all the time if cops pull me ova ill say its the immobiliser lite!
  9. If i has a dollar 4 every dickhead id b rich! Yeah workin at a pub u become an alco! thought i was gona hav 2 join AA!
  10. Hey i hav one of those phone holders! got it on thurs cos i thought it was cool hahahaha! Yeah its funny how things like that r erased from your mind yeah but im pretty sure i saw u round
  11. Yeah lots of passive smoke 2 made me cough alot and smell i was one of few smokers! Some customers jus wanna cause trouble yeah they r asswipes tryin 2 score freebies and crap and being difficult!
  12. No dont think we had a proper introduction but i was wearin the red shirt i look like im 12 but im 19 turnin 20 soon (aaaaaaarrrgh old) Youll hav 2 look out 4 me on the next one! Yeah i like those neons but a lot of ppl think they r 2 ricey ill just stik wit interior neons then
  13. Yeah thats true lots of jobs ive had 4 jobs in hos but im sik of hospitality so im tryin 2 get into retail or sumthin else hospitality hours r crap and it can b stressful! u would hav gotten pissed at me hahaha i was sir breakalot! nah i wasnt 2 bad
  14. I need your opinion wat do u think of neons on cars?
  15. U were one of the nicer ones rite? Yeah we had some biatches as well but most of em are there one week gone the next long weekends are packed sunday sessions u hav 2 line up 4 hours 2 get into the cott!
  16. One of the nicer ones! haha she used 2 work at KFC with me! Sunday sessions are the best! And Corona is the beer 2 drink!
  17. I had a friend called Faith who worked there a while bak maybe u know her Yeah its crap but its one of the closer pubs to me im more of a clubber than a pubber how bout you?
  18. U worked at Lakers? I love it there! Yeah my pub was pretty crap mostly seedy old guys who wanna c the skimpys! PS why is your nik Sneeza? Do u hav allergies? lol
  19. Market City Tavern in Canningvale Thats wat im like now whoooooooo hoooo i hav weekends! and now bbooooooo hooooo i hav no money! yeah we still hang out sometimes but yeah i missed out on a whole years worth of goin out but it was worth it cos now i hav my car!
  20. Dont ya hate that feelin! lol Haha b4 i started tafe i was doin 35-40 hours a week at a pub so i had no time 2 go out and wen i quit i started goin out every weekend and that is the story of how i became broke! Plus the minor cost of buying the car!
  21. I take it your home cos u hav no car?
  22. ive been out the past three nites and i got smashed on champagne last nite so i feel like sh*t and im going to northbridge 2mora so i thought i beta do my Tafe wrk 2nite bah! like that was gona happen! plus im broke!
  23. cool bunnings! where is the head office?
  24. lol dont think i hav a gay asian guy in my class im pretty sure id know! where do u do IT?
  25. Tall shoulder length brown hair pale skin and smokes It mite b her? does she go 2 freo tafe?
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