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Everything posted by 33Spec2

  1. aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrgggggggggggggghhhhhhhhh i keep getting server busy!!!
  2. Hahahah waz my exhaust pva :bahaha: :bahaha: Worst soundin exhaust ive eva heard hopefully ill b able 2 get a new one in the next week or 2 in time 4 next cruise! Do u guys hav any tips 4 picking an exhaust? dont 4get its n/a
  3. wat i really need is another job so i can go on a spending spree and get a big turbo and heaps of go fast bits! bbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeee
  4. K im outta here b4 i start sleep typin! cya's
  5. mines the stock one right now and it rattles like a whore! apparently some part is worn or so the compliancer said sounds really bad!
  6. Cant wait 4 the next 1! hopefully ill hav startd my modding journey with a new exhaust
  7. Yeah great 1st cruise 4 me good 2 meet every1 i dont think ill ever b able 2 get another car apart from a skyline!
  8. Its Russell yep i met u i was hanging round wit EVL_R33
  9. im half asleep whoring!
  10. hehe will do all though as i said b4 i hav no idea whos who!
  11. yeh i hav heaps more but i cant b bothered puttin em up now someone has 2 start a thread 4 pics!
  12. hopefully both will b back in no time! also gives em a chance 2 fit nice aftermarket body kit pieces
  13. wats the best way 2 post pics? do i hav 2 post em one by one?
  14. Im not sure i didnt hav a clue who was who but i was wearing a red shirt and had a silver 33 spec2 hopefully ill get 2 meet every1 again!
  15. Yeah as Nizmo said thanks to everyone I had a great 1st cruise and cant wait 4 the next one! Hope sneeza and co. are back on the road a.s.a.p! Yeh i was not very active either but 4 hours sleep does that 2 u! cyaaaaaa
  16. Well nizmo u gona hav 2 show this me a thing or 2 coz i know bugger all!
  17. $200 4 both struts. i wouldnt hav a clue does this seem reasonable? Also does anyone know how to fit em? thanx
  18. I may b interested in the struts and air filter but i dont know much bout prices so i wouldnt have a clue wat 2 ask! Wat will u give em 2 me 4? thanx
  19. Just an idea I dont know if u guys already do this but how bout havin name tags on the next cruise so i can tell whos who just a thought
  20. 2 of each if possible that would b great! thanx
  21. I still dont have one yet if someone could keep one 4 me ill defineatly b on the next cruise 2 pik it up thanx!
  22. Yeah i like your design sneeza its nice and simple if its like that ill have 2!
  23. How bout the www.blahblah on the back at across the bottom cos then it will b around the butt which is where a lot of ppl look!
  24. Which is cheaper fitting a turbo or gettin a half cut? Which is better? Has anyone found out any prices? Another thing will insurance b about the same as a gts-t? Thanx
  25. So only race things u can beat hehe! good idea!
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