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Everything posted by 33Spec2

  1. Hey can u guys please help me out by telling me the differences between a GTSt and a GTS apart from the turbo coz i have a GTS and have no idea what the differences are! thanx:D
  2. Sometimes if they are going fast enough there is no way they can stop in time due to they weight and speed thing so they only thing they can do is go faster and hope they make it instead of trying to stop and ending up in the middle of the lights. But i agree sometimes truck drivers suck i have usually get problems with them changing into my lane when im right next to them and ive been run off the road a few times and ended up driving in the emergency lane!
  3. It rocks and its heaps better with the new colours and banner
  4. Half cash and half bank loan! As my boss said youll never be able 2 own anything nice till your old and grey so borrow borrow borrow and pay it all back later! Whats the point of being 100 years old and owning a r34 GTR? hhmmmmmmm maybe if you want 2 pick up at the pensioner home! Lol
  5. Drrrrroooooool! Icant wait 4 it 2 cum out! How low is that civic Damn!:drooling:
  6. Im 19 and have a GTS and Famous said they would insure me for around $2500 which is the best i can find so far so im probably gonna go with them. The car is a non turbo but (but will be getting a turbo when my insurance goes down), so i dont know if they will insure you for a turbo but im pretty sure they will if you have a clean record. Tell us what you find if you go through a broker coz i was thinkin about doing that aswell:)
  7. My car arrives from Japan on Friday and so far the prrocess has been a long one but worth it coz i ended up saving money. The best way to find a mechanic is 2 find someone in your area with the same car (or any imported car) and ask them who their mechanic is. If you have any questions PM me
  8. Hey all i just wanted 2 know if anyone has Pinpoint GPS? Do u guys reccomend it? Is there any problems with it? Also wat security systems do u have cos i need a 3 point alarm system which wont empty my bank account Any comments would be much appreciated :burnout:
  9. GTS-t VSPEC who insures you? Damn i wish mine was that low!:eek:
  10. Hey u should get a night in a hotel;) that always works well Las xmas i got my g/f a really fancy belt from Live and she loved that and u can also never go wrong with alcohol coz u know wat happens after lotsa alcohol :boobs: and then:spew:
  11. http://www.PetitionOnline.com/antiSEVS/ I Know this is on the other thread this is just 2 make sure everyone knows! So sign it!
  12. I agree we should start a petition! This sucks and as if things arent hard enough 4 car modifiers already! (lukily i just bought my car)
  13. Thanx GTR n IT ill give them a try 2!
  14. Cool ill try Robyn thanx guys
  15. Can anyone reccomend a Perth insurance broker 4 me? thanx
  16. Oh man i am so jealous of your green grass!!!! Oh yeah and the car 2 Not fair u have a sunroof i couldnt find one wit a sunroof :aroused:
  17. Can i just say (engines aside) that the Skyline is definetely the best looking of the lot inside and out! And it pulls more chicks!:lol: If there was no such thing as a Skyline (god forbid) then i would go 4 a s14 or s15 and as 4 ppl who reckon that Skylines r 2 common they will never b as common as Lancers Excels Commodores and Falcons and u can personalise Skylines with a thousand different things like bodykits! Hooray 4 Skylines
  18. Thanx 4 the replies! Yeah i guess yous r right if u cant afford the insurance u cant afford the car! i guess ill jus have 2 pay $2500 4 now unless i find sumthin better. But i might try a broker and see what they can get me does anyone know of a good broker? :confused: Thanx again 4 the help!!!!!
  19. Hey do any of u guys have trackers? Can u please tell me the best one how much and where i can get it from? Also is it worth getting one? will it reduce my insurance? thanx:)
  20. Hey thanx ppl! Dr Skyline thats a great idea but where can i get quic trac from? and im guessing that it tracks your car if its stolen? Does anyone know the how much the difference is 4 a turbo compared to a n/a? ok thanx again!
  21. Hey ppl wats up?! This is 2 hear from all the skyline owners under 21 (or who had a Skyline when they were under 21) as i am 19 and am finding it a bitch 2 get insurance! The best quote i could get was $2500 and i dont even have a turbo! does this sound right? They really do make it hard 4 ppl 2 have a nice car! and there is no way im gonna swap it 4 a Lancer or Excel im willing 2 do watever it takes. So i jus wanna know where u all get your insurance and 4 how much? Also do u guys reccomend getting insured under a parents name? Is there a downside 2 doing this and can it b done with an import? Please help this young and frustrated Skyline fan!
  22. Yeah i also bought my car through Prestige Motorsport and it was a heap cheaper and geoff is really friendly and helpful he even got me more pics of the car coz i couldnt make up my mind! only prob is u dont get 2 try b4 u buy:lol:
  23. Hey thanx again 4 all the replies! If i ever get round 2 changing it 2 a turbo then maybe it would be a good idea 2 change 2 5 stud and if i have $1000 spare (thanx Dave) but 4 now i guess ill have 2 find sum nice 4 stud rims any ideas? What do u think of white rims on a grey car?
  24. Oh yeah thats wat i meant but if there is good 4 studs like you say then i wont bother changing to 5 stud thanx:burnout:
  25. Thanx 4 all the comments! Yeah i thought about buying a turbo but insurance is a bitch! so i think ill wait a couple of years when im over 21 then fit a bigger turbo unless you know anyone that will insure me for an imported turbo its a no go DAMn insurance companys! Also thanx 4 the bodykit ideas Timmy G i might hav 2 get me sum of them! 5 stud conversion 4 the wheels interesting! does anyone know how much this would cost another thing is my car is being complianced as it just came from japan so i dont get the wheels you see so does this mean i can get 5 stud ones?
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