Yeah.........what everyone else says!
ok seriously, i bought a n/a skyline for my first car and in a way i kinda regret not buying a turbo in the first place! dont get me wrong n/a's are still great cars but really i only bought it 2 save on insurance like you want 2 do but in the end it woulda only been a couple hundred more in insurance for a turbo which is worth it i reckon!
But then again starting out with a n/a car has probably been a good thing as now i now i wont kill myself when i get a turbo and the money ive saved on petrol and insurance is now going towards my next car............a R34GTT:)
In conclusion, i wish id known about these forums b4 i bought my car so i could have gotten advice from everyone before making my decision as i really didnt have a clue about imports at the time but i am now well prepared to move on to my next Skyline:D
hope that helps you:)