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Everything posted by 33Spec2

  1. lol shuddup:p feel free 2 fix it 4 me:p i happen 2 b very good with wires! hahahahahaha
  2. need 2 fix cig lighter which i phuked ages ago haha
  3. LSC? H system? mmm i dont know wat it all means guess ill just hav 2 stuff round wit it 4 a while
  4. lol
  5. mmmmmmm any1 know anything bout cellstar radar detectors? mmm i bought it off sum1 from these forums and i meant 2 ask 4 sum info but i cant remember who it was:( think it was a black R34
  6. hello
  7. mmmmm ive lost my star 2
  8. if you donate twice can you get 2 gold stars? that would b cool:p
  9. is that gold star under your name for donating? coz i want a gold star! i reckon have a gold coin donation
  10. eeeeeeek i cant bare 2 look! yeah lots of accidents lately - sum guy was hit by a car on south street last nite, sent shivers up my spine - i couldnt live with myself if i ever hit sum1
  11. Yeah.........what everyone else says! ok seriously, i bought a n/a skyline for my first car and in a way i kinda regret not buying a turbo in the first place! dont get me wrong n/a's are still great cars but really i only bought it 2 save on insurance like you want 2 do but in the end it woulda only been a couple hundred more in insurance for a turbo which is worth it i reckon! But then again starting out with a n/a car has probably been a good thing as now i now i wont kill myself when i get a turbo and the money ive saved on petrol and insurance is now going towards my next car............a R34GTT:) In conclusion, i wish id known about these forums b4 i bought my car so i could have gotten advice from everyone before making my decision as i really didnt have a clue about imports at the time but i am now well prepared to move on to my next Skyline:D hope that helps you:)
  12. ive got one of the GTR specials if you really want it?
  13. mmmmmmmmm yumm! i cant believe there is one in perth! i saw one a few months ago when i was in singapore, same colour couldnt stop drooling!
  14. lol@that thread! wat a twat! ive neva heard of such a rediculous price! who does he think he's kidding?
  15. hello paul yeah i really wanna c it! hey kyles
  16. hello
  17. lol@joe! i woulda forgiven you for putting it in the wrong section if it at least had the 'cool pics' as stated but thats just crap:p
  18. im off goodnite:)
  19. hmmmmm i may have 2 come have a look! ive been seriously contemplating a new stereo system coz mine suxs but dont know if i can afford it yet
  20. nobody watches slasher flicks to b scared anyway they watch em 4 the chicks jennifer love hewitt mmmmmmmmmmm
  21. oooooooooooh yeah! how could i 4get salma as a stripper! yummy
  22. is from dusk till dawn the one with salma hayak in it?
  23. yeah i think ill b more scared of paul sitting next 2 me in the dark rather than the movie! kidding
  24. aaaaaaaaaww thanx paul your so kind! and ill tell you when the scarey bits are so you can close your eyes:p i wanna c freddy verses jason! lol! troy sounds like a challenge to win the n/a catagory!
  25. im dieing 2 see that movie! everyone has been telling me how good it is
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