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Everything posted by 33Spec2

  1. hello?
  2. wat are the times? is it on at nite aswell?
  3. when is this thing? dates? times? its prob in this thread sumwhere but i cant b bothered searching
  4. or if you find sumone selling a blue nokia 6100 with a skull sticker on da back smash his face in 4 me:)
  5. yes me n my gang:p haha we iz hardcore jiggaz so anyway if you know anyone selling a cheap phone tell me coz now i need a new one!
  6. bye kyles nice talkin 2 you!
  7. i was so pissed off! i still am but i hav connections - friends who will beat the fark outta him so that makes me feel better:)
  8. i bought it in KL it had all my numbers and PINs in it:( it was stolen along with sum other ppls phones and we know who did it but cant do anything becoz there is no evidence even though it is obvious it was him! doesnt matter we hav his address - revenge is sweeeeeeeet
  9. hi bam my phone got stolen by this **** at work - new phone which ive had 4 three weeks:(
  10. now im prob gonna hav 2 get a new phone if i cant get it back:(
  11. dont you worry im gonna get my revenge! little piece of shit ill kick his ass
  12. BTW im workin 2mora till 3 so call me bout 3:30 ok?
  13. my friend who got her phone stolen by him aswell has a brother who is gonna beat the shit out of him hahaha
  14. nope police gonna go to his house and question him but thats all they can do cause he is only 14 perth is farked everyone steals shit! the penalty 4 stealin should b gettin your hands cut off
  15. hi kyles hello elizabeth!!!!!! i miss my phone:(
  16. fingers crossed i neva lose my license as i already hav enough probs trying to get insurance!
  17. buy a loud stereo to block out the squicking noise:)
  18. ok im off 2 goodnite! hi bam bye bam
  19. see ya ken yeah out of the whole 15races in the DVD the AE86 only loses twice
  20. paul i think you put the wrong face at the end of that statement! i think you were looking for this one - but its ok i 4give you:p
  21. but but it beats the skylineGTR! the GTR is beta!
  22. i think YOU should be the one feelin privilaged!
  23. oh by the way that InitialD DvD i watched yesterday rocked! that damn crap AE86 wins every time but
  24. haha thanx i feel so privilaged!
  25. paul i see you and erik r becoming close friends! good 2 see:p
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