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Everything posted by 33Spec2

  1. totally agree! 2 many asswipes around you cant have anything nice these days whether it b car or house or wateva coz tossers will just come along and destroy it - no respect for others property i reckon if you eva catch any little shits like this beat the fark outta them!
  2. anyway im off 2 bed see ya later
  3. mite see ya tomora nite at the cruise alex!
  4. wat about a cruise on sunday? there were talks of it and end up at the leftbank 4 liz's bday they should turn the drift thing into a big event like you see in all the mags
  5. is anyone coming on the cruise 2mora nite?
  6. haha my car deserves punishment! BTW did anyone see the silver series 2 on prestige? if that SEVS shit was sorted id seriously consider getting it but it has lots of aftermarket stuff on it which theyd prob take off:(
  7. heya micko paul - yeah i reckon he was such an ass wipe to me i bet he was hoping id b ova the limit
  8. id do the drift day but my car is to slow and i hav no money!
  9. got breath tested woman in front of me was ova the limit! haha got busted for havin fog lights on blah blah sposed 2 get $150 fine but i just said it was a bit foggy back there haha then busted 4 loud exhaust but was let off as long as i make it quieter wateva!
  10. paulie!!!!!! long time no whore!
  11. hello! hey! i just got pulled ova by cops! stupid wankers tell me off! grrrrrrrrr
  12. hehe cool mite catch up wit ya on a cruise! cya
  13. nostalgik did you happen 2 see a chick in a black R33 the other day?
  14. Wow bam this sounds like its gonna good - best of luck wit it! so you are gonna hav no car?
  15. a few of us on a SAU cruise saw an VN commie with 'CMEDRIFT' wat a tool!
  16. "Hello Kitty Import Parts" hahahaha Bam can i b your first customer?
  17. no not sleepin yet just thinkin how to say the above without being 2 harsh
  18. aww thats sux ass! lets just say they took forever and kept telling me the car would b ready the next day and id ring up the next day and they would tell me it wasnt finished yet! grrrrrrr they did that to me about 5 times! they had the frickin car for over 2 months and they did a crap job for wat i had to pay im just complainin bout crap sneeza's story is much worse
  19. hey alex wassup?
  20. yeah i know i just didnt understand it! haha i cant think anymore! so glad im going away in a few weeks i wont have to think i can b carefree!
  21. oh! posting the birthday thread! i get it now!
  22. hi joe! howz it goin? paranoid about wat? i dont understand:p
  23. Nope! im 19 and paying $2500 for a non turbo! thats with famous they were pretty much the only place that would insure me BTW i have a clean record Back to the start of this thread - anyway liquid85 i reckon wait a while, i didnt want to wait and now i sorta regret it not that my car isnt good but i would rather pay the extra coupleof hundred dollars in insurance for a GTST hopefully ill b upgrading soon anyway:D
  24. burn off sum furniture! cya
  25. no its ok! wat the hell? i cant believe you dont hav a heater!
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