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Everything posted by 33Spec2

  1. do know which hotel we r staying in in KL? or which one itll prob b?
  2. the zoo is a defineate and sentosa is pretty nice
  3. we should find out all the places we wanna go to and all the good spots
  4. oooooohhhhh i really cant wait!!!! we r gonna laughing at everything!
  5. really? hmmm i may hav to try that thannx 4 the tip i was really close to gettin a clarion stereo system from westside but decided to put the money towards a new car instead
  6. me? outta control?...................haha neva! liz we r gonna hav the best week! alex where did you get ya stereo from?
  7. im so gonna bring a camera!
  8. noooooo not the brothel!
  9. hahaha liz ok new rule! no bringin back ppl in the room do it outside the room:p
  10. nice pic rev! kidding liz im sure you will b well behaved on our trip just dont get us kicked out of any clubs:p
  11. me!!!!!??????? no its liz:p keep ya grans locked away:p
  12. i should b free round 10:30 maybe? hahahahahaha nah liz ill tell you first b4 bringin her back! kidding:p besides its you im worried about i hear there is lotsa young boys there:p
  13. hehe i usually take home heaps 4 friends KFC party!
  14. id b the best judge:p whoeva comes bak to my place wins!
  15. yep send me a msg and ill take wateva is left:)
  16. i havent been 2 metros in a while either
  17. bam tuesday nite 10:30 is the only time i get free chicken coz we get all the leftovas
  18. initialD ive seen the pics of your car very nice! if i had the money now id seriously consider it
  19. hahaha bam wen r u gonna come visit me at work again? liz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sat nite hooray! i get to watch you 2 make fools of yaselves and get kicked outta clubs:p
  20. phil niz bam rev
  21. :wavey: hey
  22. and then airbrush a yoda on the bonnet:p ill see if i can find that pic
  23. Skippers imports yeah ive seen that one very nice but the price they are asking is way 2 much
  24. yep same wit me damn those crappy stock rims
  25. is there any sight-seeing in KL or mostly shops?
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