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Everything posted by 33Spec2

  1. yep cool goodnite everyone
  2. ive neva had lunch there b4 but sounds good anyway i beta b off to bed gotta get up at 5 for my shite job:(
  3. yep wateva is good 4 you
  4. aaaaaaw ken its not a cruise unless your there! yep if you want and lunch if you can hold it down:p
  5. hahaaha you betta not b sik on sunday:p i had enough alcohol wednesday nite 2 last me all year i dont think ill b drinking 4 a while i still feel sik!
  6. hey ken liz niz dont know yet hav 2 wait till 2mora fingers crossed i may come on the cruise!
  7. heya!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. do you know if my payment went through??????? how do we know?
  9. cya troy
  10. yep same here goodnite and remember Rob schnieder is...........................a carrot!
  11. aaaaaaaaawwwwwwww
  12. yeah i have 2 find out wat i hav to do to get a job
  13. true i wanna try and get a job as a flight attendent
  14. yeah ill c wat happens
  15. no you cant move there but!
  16. yeah i dont know wat im doin sat nite yet have to make a few appearances at bdays
  17. yeah i really hate my jobs wen we get back im determined 2 find a job i enjoy!
  18. oooooops i meant sat nite haha im still not with it eh, i dont even know wat day it is heheh
  19. end of tafe assignments and i hate my job plus i got a phukin speeding fine grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
  20. yeah ok cool maybe over lunch or sumthin? i mite see you 2mora nite anyway or if not ill SMS ya
  21. hehehe i drowned my sorrows last nite and felt the effects 2day! ive neva been so pissed b4:p
  22. yeah i agree!
  23. its up 2 you im not fussed im working sun nite at 6pm
  24. HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i havent had a hol in ages!
  25. yeah come over as soon as you can i hav 2 go 4 dinner at 7 i 4got its my bros bday! is that ok?
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