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Everything posted by 33Spec2

  1. hahaha eeeewwwwwww its all bloody mmmmmmm let me taste those tears i call it mr and mrs tennerman chilli:p
  2. heya cam and troy no no its ok we were just talking about south park:p
  3. r u gonna bring ya sis on the cruise nex weekend?
  4. hahahah stretch mark boobs!
  5. wont you take me to.................the funky town! at least it makes going 2 the bathroom easier! how dirty waz that
  6. dont call me an asshole stupid biatch! yeah we hav 2 finish watchin them!
  7. sorry got distracted by a phone call! bam u hav 2 come visit more often!
  8. yep it was phuked! im sooooooooo tired and it was busy as hell at both places! Bambam came in and visited me
  9. BWAHAHAHA r u gonna kiss me?
  10. lizzy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CRIPPLE FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COMPLETE WRITE-OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. maybe you can transfer 2 sumone elses account and they can forward it? PM me if you need help
  12. i luv the treadmill! and the ab cruncher k im outta here goodnite 2 all
  13. cant say ive ever fondued then
  14. havent given up on the gym yet have you troy? usually takes people a couple of weeks b4 they cant b bothered going anymore
  15. fondue? isnt that the thing where you dip stuff in stuff?
  16. goodnite ken and kyles
  17. its like the parents dont wash em or anything and liz we get 2 mongrel dogs which we cant afford 2 feed so they bite people!
  18. haha if there was a GTR drink id buy it 4 sure!
  19. oh and their faces have 2 always b dirty wit those vegimite rings around the mouth and crusty dried up snot
  20. You drink that GTR kyles! Bam your gonna b all bling bling wit big shiney rims and fluffy dice no no liz we have 2 call em bruce and moira!
  21. now thats wat i call the life liz! mmm yum bike pants! and for our cars oops i mean car we get a bombed old ford which we can neva use coz we cant afford petrol!
  22. a Bentley! bambam those are pimp mobiles!
  23. i thought you hated kids? how bout we make heaps and sell them! or better yet we can be trailer trash! hahaha:p
  24. true. but even wit a kit they dont look as good as a 2-door ill have a Jeep Cheroke Gtst and GTR
  25. no no i hate kids! ill settle 4 a golden retriever and an alaskan malamute better then kids anyday!
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