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Everything posted by 33Spec2

  1. 3:30 yay! i dont get home till that time we can go watch liz:p
  2. i dont think im gonna b able to go on th 28th cruise ppl from work hav planned sum crazy ass nite
  3. ohhhhh can i watch! hahah wat time your exam finish bam? i hav work till 6 on sunday crap!
  4. saturday arvo! i finish work at 3! i really wanna go 4 a drive!
  5. i think we should go 4 a small cruise nex weekend terrorize sum commies that are doing boglaps:p
  6. and the pony is giving the scarecrow a head job ahahaaha
  7. heya bambam is anyone watching australias worst drivers?
  8. girl power! you go niz!! honda killer!
  9. i think so ill have 2 try it! i havent watched them yet! and the episode where cartman buys pubes for $10 haha maybe next weekend !
  10. sounds like you 2 played gang ups! haha sounds fun
  11. i have a few episodes on CD! my brother gav em 2 me we hav 2 watch them! i have the cripple fight episode where timmy and jimmy fight son of rajab of the rings bebe's boobs the fat camp episode and a few more
  12. 'Ok butters but you can only come wit us if you play son of rajab of the rings' 'wat are you doing Butters?' 'Playing son of rajab of the rings'
  13. you two shoulda been picking on the guys not the girls! i saw the son of rajab of the rings episode yesterday! hahaha so funny
  14. i heard a new saying the other day............your face is like a dropped pie! hahahahah i almost wet myself hahaaa wish i coulda seen it! damn civics!
  15. did you go on your girls cruise 2day?
  16. Lizzzzzzz! wats up! howz my favourite smashed crab:p
  17. have fun paul! dammit where the hell am i gonna find another buffy freak 2 whore wit tuesday nites:p
  18. anyway ive got more crap tafe assessments 2 finish bleh! catcha later
  19. oooh a late nite rendevous:p wen does he leave? yeah its frickin freezin! its been freezin 4 ages
  20. watcha doin at home on a friday nite?
  21. heya adrian and every1 else
  22. haha yep i saw the coolest purple R33gtst today i was drooling!
  23. you rev heads:p
  24. heya adrian no ones around 2nite 4 sum reason and im about 2 go coz its dead!
  25. shell bullcreek
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