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Everything posted by 33Spec2

  1. cya kyles ill b passed out! you 2 will hav 2 carry me haha
  2. how many stand-ins do you want liz!
  3. BTW liz search '2 heads - Out of the city' on kazaa thats the song i found it!
  4. i saw the ring the other nite was really good i thought and scarey as hell! yea ive heard blurred sucked crap Random qustion number3: worst movie youve ever seen? mine is prob nurse betty
  5. we will save you a place in the line if ya late kyles!
  6. i like it liz haha! wat movies did you get out kyles?
  7. I am defineatly up 4 helping with anything! i may also b able 2 pull a few more sponsers if you want and yeah im free most days cept sat mornings
  8. hey kyles! must b girls nite in or sumthin 2nite?
  9. i like that idea liz!
  10. champagne kills me haha but then agian i think it does that 2 most ppl
  11. experienced! haha wit kens memory he's prob 4gotten wat 2 do! kiddin P.S. wats my name?
  12. a few drinks! ill b smashed! haha cadbury kid here nah ill hav a few 4 sure maybe itll make the movie better you guys hav 2 hav a few aswell seeing as you have ages b4 you hav 2 drive again
  13. wouldnt miss it 4 the world niz i was up till 5am playing PS2 at a friends house last weekend - midnite club is so much fun
  14. its so frickin cold! i feel like a hot drink but cant b bothered getting up and gettin one:p
  15. hey niz wat you doin home 2nite? i luv that song!
  16. this is my united states of wateva! ......and i was like yeah wateva! haha its funny and also that hot action cop song Fever 4 the flava is funny
  17. no its 2heads spelt like that i think
  18. i just go over a long long flu
  19. two head - out of the city maybe? yea i wish i was out! i was asked 2 swap work last minute so i dont hav 2 go 2mora mornin! but i dont hav anything 2 do cept watch dodgy movies that we hav lyin round:p
  20. oh i think it by Two Heads try search that but im not sure
  21. i cant get that sean Paul - Get Busy song out my head i luv it and also busta - I know wat you want
  22. haha thats a good one liz! im gonna use it! seeing as i still hav him 4 two weeks (they cant do anything immediatly apparently)
  23. Random question number2: fav song at the moment?
  24. hey centre stage is on sun! i have 2 admit i actually like that movie especially the end coz i turned up late due to a flat batt the tosser didnt even listen to wat i had to say or my excuse as soon as i went to talk he told me to shut my phukin mouth the whole class was speechless! i didnt care i gav it back 2 him after he said that and stormed out! i was sooo angry then 2day he took it upon himself 2 tell my friend she has a drug problem!
  25. i saw the Ring the other nite and was seriously disturbed
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