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Everything posted by 33Spec2

  1. Random question number1: wat is everyones favourite movie?
  2. haha you cant b as bored as me! im so bored im actually doing tafe work!
  3. he basically abused me in front of the class and he has done this 2 sum of the other students so we all went down 2 the head of tafe and complained this lecturer has serious problems he is phuked in the head he has a split pesonality it seems like and can snap any moment!
  4. im back! my friends r being boring they dont wanna do anything
  5. i got a blitz gear nob 2day and fixed my headlight
  6. im gonna find sumthin 4 dinner b back soon!
  7. bwahaha i saw 2 GTRs the other day at garden city and almost wet myself i was so excited!
  8. yeah thats cool! thanx heaps! who else is comin? ooooooh lunch and dinner with yous arent i lucky!
  9. mmmmmm im hungry
  10. liz! hell yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Micko!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. hello hmmmmm im bored and my knuckles hurt from changing my frickin headlight globe:p
  12. so the cant be slightly blue? dammit i want rice lights!
  13. damn that pissed me off! i was an hour late 4 tafe and got into a huge fight wit my tafe lecturer coz he verbally abused me and now he is gettin fired! yay anyway im off to market city tav 4 dinner be back later
  14. nope i dont hav struts
  15. thats wat i was saying! dumbasses! marlows guy said that batterey would not fit coz the one in there was smaller but i was trying to tell him that other ppl with the same car have changed it just take out the phukin tray! grrrrrrr
  16. yeah it prob was funny i was like oh shite!! damn boot battery is hard 2 get 2!
  17. marlows didnt know how 2 change it other marlows didnt hav a bat in stock finally i went to battery world and it took em 4 eva 2 change it - didnt help that my cig lighter didnt work! then he was talking sum crap bout how they dont sell batts with breathers like the one that was in the car
  18. but it died so soon! i had 2 jump start it and i electrocuted myself haha it wasnt funny at the time i accidently dropped the end of the jump lead on the engine and it started sparking and zapped me
  19. haha the battry completely died yesterday had 2 go 2 three places b4 someone could change the phukin thing
  20. fine the.
  21. dammit you found me! wats up?
  22. yep she did coz she a dumbass! we keep getting back 2gether but im so sick of her crap i refuse 2 go back again! so far so good anyway yeah i agree i havent met a chick that doesnt cheat or flirt yet (cept the SAU girls:p) amen 2 that haha
  23. cya micko
  24. yeah im enjoying being single 2 nope we broke up a while ago i stupidly took her back after she cheated on me then realised im an idiot so i broke up wit her again now ive decided time 4 long break
  25. haha im over chicks i need a break! i have nothing but bad luck
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