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Everything posted by 33Spec2

  1. evos are ugly nah adrian coz my car beeps when lights are left on its been playing up 4 a few days now and each time it feels a little harder 2 start
  2. ill hand out flyers! and adrian can dress up as a promo girl! just kidding youll get 50 ppl no probs seeing as there are hundreds of skyline drivers in perth and im sure we have at least 50 on here already
  3. yeah i was stressing coz i thought it wasnt gonna start at work 2nite! where/how do i get it tested?
  4. id have an NA skyline over a lancer 2!
  5. my car is having trouble starting and im guessing its the battery? yes? anyone know a good battery and where i can get it from?
  6. ive seen every episode aswell ive even got a buffy desktop theme with quotes from the show:p Buffy: wat are you doing?! 5 words or less Spike: Out for a walk..................bitch
  7. tv guide says you cant miss an episode of buffy from now till the end
  8. hello! buffy being filmed by andrew and the school is going crazy from the hellmouth
  9. i think that starting a club is even more relevant seeing as you are entering western salon later this year
  10. yuk vomit paul 2 much info!
  11. yep mine also goodnit niz, paul, adrian, bambam and whoeva i missed
  12. hahah they even got it the same colour as my car now we hav matching cars
  13. i got Brett to help do it and we couldnt get it out maybe i should tie it 2 the back of the mazda6 and and pull it out:p
  14. back on the topic of cars i tried 2 take out the silencer from the exhaust but it wont come out i think it may b welded in! its so ugly wat do i do?
  15. nite nite liz
  16. :spew: :spew: :spew:
  17. yeah we waz gonna invite him on a cruise then throw tissues! haha
  18. goodnite micko
  19. erik can be the tissue hahaha oh no wait he mite scratch his car then!
  20. who else want 2 have a go at paul?
  21. paul iz gettin hammered! its ok paul ill giv you that vid 4 free:p
  22. access all areas hahah thats a good one niz wats this wrestling moves? hmmmmmm kinky:p
  23. SOLD! to both ladies hahahaha am i allowed 2 do that?
  24. ken you biatch dont give up on me now! haha
  25. sold 2 the man wit the whip! .................oh no hold on sold 2 the girl with the cream! ...................wat the? sold 2 the girl wit the body paint!
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