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Everything posted by 33Spec2

  1. i luv being home alone! ive been alone all day watching scarey movies and scaring the shite outta myself
  2. made me laugh! she sux serious fanny im suprised she even knows how 2 turn the phukin engine on!
  3. hahaha if you wanna put it that way liz!
  4. nah that bald lesbian chick is the worst she doesnt hav a clue! id b scared 2 go on the road while shes on it!
  5. nah if we go 2 the drive ins itll b heaps different coz we can all muck around in our cars and stuff ill feel sorry 4 whoeva has 2 park behind paul!
  6. dammit 2 bad we dont have any drive-ins near by we could go see f&f at the drive-ins like the NSW guys
  7. nic got to leave! haha but he has a week probation coz they wanna test him out in real traffic next week first
  8. no i missed the block i was watching australias worst drivers that old asian lady is classic she cracks me up everytime!
  9. hahah i hear he's been complaining that everything you cook tastes like pineapple 4 sum reason!
  10. bwahahahah liz i bet you make him drink it all the time!
  11. hahaha liz everyone always tells me that when i drink it! obviously a lot of ppl read cosmo!
  12. haha i get a craving for pineapple juice all the time liz its not the end of the world - ppl are pricks but seriously just PM him and tell him that wat he said was false information and therefore you dont want em anymore coz they r useless 2 you
  13. liz stress less im sure if you tell him your story he'll take em back if not youll b able 2 sell em easy
  14. do you have standard rims liz?
  15. $4000 thats pretty bad damn 1 HSV off the road!
  16. wat happened 2 ya mums car niz?
  17. www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=16961 try the above thread
  18. HJs? nah stuff HJs im going straight 4 the pension home 2 find some rich old ladies! bwahahaha
  19. YAY! i get 2 b stand in!
  20. maccas girls haha im movin up the list! nah that was just a friend at autosalon! nah no more girls:D
  21. haha the stand in rules! am i stand in 4 sat nite? i had one glass of wine on sat nite at a restaurant and thought i was gonna fall asleep! the waiter thought my table was the cadbury kids table coz we had one bottle between 5 and were all pissed already hahaha
  22. the KFC chick? youre makin me sound like a whore! ive been with almost every chick that works at KFC haha just kiddin that was Amanda the blonde chick that came on the dandanup cruise but yeah my last g/f was the skank that was spewing non stop then thought she was gonna get in my car! haha yeah rite
  23. haha that was mucking around but now that i think about it i was rite! she had a phukin 17 yr old french exchange student stayin at her house and i dont wanna know wat they got up 2!
  24. oh yeah i was but im not wit her anymore coz shes been sleepin around on me and i really am not into STDs:p
  25. who told you that! nah no more girls 4 me i hav nothin but bad luck wit em i think ill become a hermit hahaha
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