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Everything posted by 33Spec2

  1. well that sux hope your bak on the road soon
  2. yeh im just really bummed that i hav 2 lose 3 points and 150 bucks just for overcrossing a line youd think id done a hit and run or sumthin oh well fingers crossed the photo is dodgy
  3. Just wondering if any1 has taken a fine to court and got off in particular running a red light fine as ive been hit with $150 and 3demerits for apparently going through a red light in which i didnt (youd hav to be stupid to run a red light on riverside drive in peakhour traffic) the only thing i can think of is that i went over the line ? i havent viewed the photos yet but correct me if im wrong there is 2 photos taken one right after the first and if im still in the second photo i obviously didnt go through am i still gonna get screwed just for going over a line by a few millimeters? just wanted 2 see if there is a way out of this bullshit fine but im thinkin im probably stuffed
  4. ummmmmmmm wat the hell?
  5. yer i jump started mine from the boot as it was parked in front of parents car at the time if you do need a new battery which i dont think ya will just yet Battery World is good
  6. glad 2 see you back angel! havent seen sum of the older members for ages lots of new ppl but
  7. just wondering if any1 else has a JVC pict headunit ( the ones the play short video clips) and if they hav managed 2 get hold of any good clips? thanx
  8. if you swap them for aftermarket ones then yes
  9. i was always told that if you die in a dream you die in your sleep? thats why you never actually see yourself die but thats probably just sum made up story i always hav dreams of my car being stolen or broken into the other week i had one where i walked outside and the burnt frame of my car was there
  10. im glad to hear that your alrite i hope the car and the other person turn out ok aswell
  11. good luck kyles! where u doin your test? ummmm best tip i can give is STOP for stop signs hahaahah yes i know its an obvious 1 but i know alot of ppl who hav failed a test becoz they didnt come to a complete dead stop and instead rolled through (i was told by my driving instructor that this gets most ppl who do there test at welshpool as there is a stop sign rite out front)
  12. are you serious? mmmm yes im sure they will be more than willing to let people destroy public carparks
  13. :headspin: i think SAU WA is going a bit loopy ive neva seen so much crap and argueing posted b4! wateva happened 2 the big happy family?
  14. which club was it taken from lauren? yep i know how much it sux mine was stolen last year from work and it was a new phone which id had for 2 weeks! plus i lost all my numbers aswell so moral of the story is make sure you always write numbers down sumwhere else
  15. 33Spec2


    funny thing is i see more commodores falcons and other trev crap with neons on them than jap cars so i dont know how they think WE are 'rice'
  16. yep i wish id insured my first car under my own name instead of parents coz then i woulda had 2 years no claim bonus instead of none
  17. do a search on insurance in these forums and yes thats how much its gonna cost you there are no ways around it unless you put it under parents name which will still work out around the same and if they find out that your driving the car more than stated they can void your insurance alltogether so i suggest you look at other cars or wait untill you hav sum sort of no claim bonus if you think the quote you hav been given is 2 much
  18. are series 1 mats the same as series 2 mats coz ive got original series 2 mats and they rock you can try ringing a nissan dealership they mite b able to help or get some sent over from japan
  19. www.prestigemotorsport.com.au is the obvious one i got my car through them but i dunno if they import eclipses youd hav 2 ring and ask can you even get them complied here? i havent seen any in perth
  20. thats screwed up! how bout cops learn the rules and stick to them! i know there was a meeting a while back with cops and modified car owners in which cops stated that if you cant see the tube then its not illegal to drive with them on! but yes if they are flashing neons i doubt that would b allowed as i can see how that would distract
  21. bomex front and veilside everythin else cept no wing the do-luck kit look kewl aswell
  22. lol how bout "Put your hands up in the air.............if you want ice cream, Put your hands up in the air..............if you want ice cream"
  23. yer tell him 2 get with the times and play sumthin by beyonce or he could always play the milkshake song lol personally i hate those vans but that was only after i read an article about how much bacteria they carry around and how unhygenic the ice cream/food is
  24. wat oval was it? if its bad and they are dickheads then report it if its just a few scuff marks on the grass leave it
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