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Everything posted by 33Spec2

  1. my dog is walking on 3 legs at the moment i think its done something 2 one of his paws coz hes been limping for 2 days ill hav 2 take him 2 the vet
  2. yeah i was on my way 2 pick up keys for work at the servo otherwise i would hav i coulda got ya cheap drinks aswell!
  3. hmmm everyone is sick! ive been sick 4 ages damn all these SARS jokes!
  4. was driving past the market city tavern on friday arvo and i saw this gunmetal skyline out front with this huge ugly wing i wonder who's it was? haha Paul you musta been one of the dirty old men i used 2 see in there all the time when i was working:p
  5. hello joe and niz no i didnt get a PM! rejected! ooooh heather graham is on sex and the city i may hav 2 watch it
  6. hello adrian wats up! hello Troy shame! im a bad whore yes i know:p hello kyles hello paul
  7. hello everybody wow its been ages since my last whore!
  8. It would be interesting to find out the percentage of SAU people that are in IT id say its around 80-90% good to see im not the only one not doing IT
  9. hmmmmmm such a quiet nite?
  10. may have been the same white series 2 i saw at carousel tonite(thurs) around 10:30pm not sure if they were the same rims as above but they were nice
  11. Russell - Studying Interior/Graphic design @ Freo Tafe also work part time @ Shell
  12. Wat rims you got adrian? ill definetaly come by one day and have a look hhhhhmmmm every Nandos ive been 2 has a black guy working there wats with that? I went 2 Fitness First but my membership ran out a few months ago and im not gonna renew it coz i hav no time 4 the gym but 2 bad i didnt know you back then!
  13. Are Famous and Young and Cool the only places that insure under 21?
  14. cya micko im goin 2 bed aswell goodnite people!
  15. oh crap nah they wont read bak! by the way if any of you girls read the above it does not apply 2 you!
  16. Cool thanx aidwin!
  17. amen 2 that! im with ya girls r nothin but bad news Hump em and dump em i say:p
  18. me me pick me!
  19. bomex kit is hot so is trust kit
  20. hahaha i admit shes on my wall! and my desktop sometimes
  21. Adrian you broke up wit your girl? that sux man! yeah me n my girl arent going 2 well either i fear the end is near! im pretty sure shes cheated if im rite the skank is goin down!!!
  22. nah only the ones where shes bonking me:p
  23. buffy addicts:p id luv 2 be Riley in that episode where she couldnt stop bonking! damn that episode was wierd
  24. Hellllllllllllll yeah im so gonna buy that episode on dvd!
  25. omigod i wonder if the plate 'SLAYER' are available?
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