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Everything posted by 33Spec2

  1. mmmm thats wat i want for my next car - a black S2
  2. haha Liz You buy You buy afternoon special for you!
  3. is that the exact one Ken? very very nice its even got that extra lip on the front *drool drool* wheres it from?
  4. lol
  5. two fiddy! wat a bargain!
  6. go the series II! they look better:p
  7. aaaaah snez such talent! so let me get this rite you shoota ping pongs out da kling kling at da drop bears so they dont scratch my eyes out? hahahahaha im sure sum tourists will want 2 hire you!
  8. goodnite troy and hello pauly
  9. hahaha so wat tricks can you do?
  10. goodnite kyles
  11. so when r u trying out for 'Riverdance' or 'Liz son of rajab Of The Dance' then?
  12. snez im pretty good the question is how are you after all that Ford driving! i hope your not getting used to it:p
  13. hahaha yes they work they not ricey! theyre just there for effect speaking of rice there is a full thing on the fast and furious 2 cars in Autosalon mag
  14. i have a lot of friends doing their L's now and do you know how easy it is to make up your hours its complete bull they dont even check properly but i have to admit its better than nothing and having the P's for 2 years was a good idea
  15. yep sure is do you know the owner? haha paulie wing aka clothesline:p
  16. so Liz when r u having a concert so we can come see you in action?
  17. hello aidwin hass anyone seen the yellow skyline in HPI? very nice and its a perth car too
  18. hello liz 3 hours wow thats a lot
  19. hello people!
  20. i seriously doubt it id pay around $25000 for it
  21. I agree there definitely is some very nice holdens out there dont get me wrong but if someone gave me one id be more than willing to be a commodore driver! and yes i agree that all cars attract dickheads even imports! but then again you have to admit holdens and fords seem to attract more dickheads (nothing against holdens or fords as they are great cars im sure, just a few of the drivers out there) just my thoughts
  22. instead of trying to increase revenue they should spend more money on making advanced driver training courses and defensive driving courses compulsory! The way i see it is that a lot of accidents could be avoided if people know how to control their car better as said a few times above we dont learn jack shit in a driving test really wouldnt it b better to learn about driving in the wet, wat 2 do if you lose control of you car and stuff like that because really there is always going 2 be idiots out there (who speed, drink or wateva) and accidents arent always going to be our fault so we should learn how to protect ourselves increasing fines and reducing speed limits does absolutly nothing you think they woulda realised that by now - look at how many people go 50 instead of 60? i think it just frustrates people even more just my 2cents
  23. docile the guys at extreme machines are great! my parents are friends with one of the guys there honest people and they have top quality cars from wat ive seen (prices are not 2 bad aswell) my 2cents
  24. haha vampire paul he wishes! just so buffy could lay....er slay him:p bye
  25. haha well im starting to go mad! anyway goodnite ppl im off
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