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Everything posted by 33Spec2

  1. yeh same dissappointed in GT51R as i thought that beast would b running up against ant in the final ive seen the power it gets on the dyno so i dunno wat was going wrong with it? was very impressed with that blue GTR yer lol at the commentator 'i think that he (13 devil) is trying to say watch out im a hazard'
  2. nice one paul hehehe did anyone else see?
  3. yeh we have one it was used at PAS i cant remember if its the same but? and im not sure if we still hav it as it may hav on loan to us?
  4. congrats 2 all the ppl who helped in making SAU a club by the way wat time does drag combat go till approx?
  5. Werd lol yeh i totally agree no offence but i think she is feral and ive seen way better who the hell knows why she always wins they should let me judge
  6. Hey if your after an n/a you can PM me as ill consider selling for the right price
  7. I managed to get a few pics
  8. i think shogun has had some new stuff done to it did it always have the hydraulics? and those scissor doors? does any1 know how much power he pulled? anyway i think he deserved it not really the car i woulda picked but he defineatly drew the crowds with his whole display i was dissapointed J2J wasnt there
  9. Bring on drag combat! i cant wait Go the skylines! congrats ant i didnt see the dyno run but saw yer car (i was with sneeza) BTW nice setup antilag
  10. kyles are you about 2 start your own makeover show? queer eye style?
  11. Medium for me please
  12. i have a DVD burner yer i know that motorquipe in carousel has a few good ones and JBHifi in cannington also has a few there you could also try www.seriousbiz.com.au for harder 2 find ones
  13. I seem 2 have a dodgy rear hotplate light which isnt working properly and requires a strong whack to get it 2 light up each time is this an easy fix? does any1 know how 2 fix it? has any1 had this prob b4? im guessing its a bad/faulty connection or somethin? anyway really need help coz it just doesnt look great with only 3 hotplates lighting up and im sick of cops pulling me over with nothing better 2 do than 2 say "do you know your rear light isnt working?" duh thanx Russell
  14. wow you get free rice stuff yay glad you got it bak at least
  15. interesting i neva knew that can they find out how many demerits youve lost?
  16. shit thats good i pay $1900 and im 20 with a n/a hav you lost any points?
  17. omigod thats awful! at least you were able 2 walk away from it by the sounds of it but that really sux especially after the new bodykit and rims you just put on hope you can get it sorted and b bak on the road soon
  18. GO LIZZZZZZZ hooooray! happy cruzing
  19. sumthin that doesnt look like every other car on the street and if your talkin skylines then a skyline that isnt the same as the other billion in perth
  20. yeh i know but she had a thread about it so its not sum secret and besides she would hav good advice
  21. yeh Liz aka Sneeza had sumthin similar she mite have sum advice for you not good
  22. mmmmmmmmmmm BO yuk
  23. really? hmmmm thats not 2 bad i should do an engine swap and then ppl can fight over the rest of the pieces
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