$3000 is 2 much but i dont think itll get much cheaper ill try a broker but there are only 2 places i know thatll insure under 21 Famous and Young and Cool
yeah i think the series 2 front looks a bit better newer and yeah also the foglights plus if i get a series 1 ill hav 2 change my nick!
only thing is the series 2s around here are way 2 expensive!
you dont understand how scared i was! i got so much crap from my friends but it was ok coz she sang songs to them aswell! haha
i was thinkin ill play simultaneous lovin! You and me simultaneous lovin baby, 2 or 3! hahahaha
im ok now was really sick the past couple of days hehehe yep my car now has wat i like 2 call.............mood lighting hahaha well it has a cool blue glow!
sneeza and i were driving last nite and we saw a hyundai with a blue neon mounted on the A pillar wat a dikhead! it was practically blinding us just imagine wat it would b like trying 2 drive that car with a giant neon light in your face!