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Everything posted by 33Spec2

  1. hey niz watcha up 2?
  2. anyone round????????????
  3. Liz we will hav 2 round every1 up one nite!
  4. hey niz! k b bak soon going 2 lunch!
  5. well sounds like we had the most fun then! at least we found a pub that was open!
  6. i wonder how every1 elses nite went? haha now we hav a little club 2!
  7. hahahahahaha nooo my eyes my eyeees its ok my pet kangaroo will attack them!
  8. hey thats cool i had a great time! we must do it again
  9. nooooooooo every1 is leavin me! and i just got here!
  10. ok will do! im off now so ill prob talk later! cya
  11. its at the back where all the private adds are - small pic
  12. who is there 2 round up? aidwin! joe! yeah 4 sure my number is 0402422908 if you wanna do sumthin maybe a pub?
  13. i saw the nicest r33 in the easter auto trader it was that dark bluey green colour with bodykit rims and stuff it was really nice only $20500
  14. i have nothing planned 4 after should be finished early as dinner is at 7oclock
  15. howz the car search going liz? im interested 2 know where you find the best cars as im upgrading mine soon
  16. oooooops add p u s s y 2 all blank spaces hahahaha im a dumbass!
  17. try having a *****! 'here ***** come eat your dinner' 'bad *****' '***** needs a haircut' hhahahah
  18. willy r u serious!? willy and P U S S Y wouldve made a great couple!
  19. hahahah liz sounds like you need 2 go out tonite!
  20. my dog is in my room now annoying the crap out of me! he keeps throwing his toy ball at me and i refuse 2 throw it but he just doesnt giv up he just constantly keep throwing it at me
  21. P U S S Y!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! damn thing edited my word!
  22. hahahaha we also had a golden retriever called Dougie and a cat called *****! we didnt name any of our pets they were all adopted
  23. yeah also 2mora is a hol so every1 is prob going out 2nite
  24. dont laugh his name is...........................jeff! BTW i didnt name him yeah he likes 2 bite my friends ankles so they are all scared of him he is really naughty!
  25. really! i have a kelpie cross german shep yeah i saw some of the dirty stuff let me just say im never touching those pool balls again or the cue!
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