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Everything posted by 33Spec2

  1. ooooooooh i see how this works!
  2. i dont know where the hell any1 lives????
  3. well seeing as he got his stuff soon after id say they must be pretty good!
  4. hahaha sure thing aidwin i was thinkin a nice big wing like pauls first!
  5. wat day is piss up?
  6. R u selling your car aidwin?
  7. i think nengun was the place EVL_R33 got all his stuff from he said it took ages 4 a reply and when they did reply they didnt even answer his question!
  8. well if my pay check stays like it is now - round $500 a week ill hav one in the next few months hooray!
  9. hello paul yeah they r slow but still good cars!
  10. hey dont diss n/a's!
  11. yep new ones are butt ugly so r the bug eye ones the ones b4 that are nice! l8ter!!!!
  12. oooooooooooh thrashing a rex!!!!!!
  13. yeah i mite wat time you goin? I may end up gettin u 2 cum help me fix my lights if i stuff it up havent gotten round 2 it yet so im gonna do it this weekend:p anyway i hav tafe work 2 do so goodnite every1!
  14. last wednesday! hmmm i may hav 2 drag someone along wit me! if not ill just giv it 2 ya on the weekend sumtime paul
  15. hehehe i wish i had a hot step sister!
  16. ummm prob not coz i dont wanna go by myself why wats on anyway?
  17. paul ill give you the $30 4 the shirt next time i c you!
  18. true dat! i have it on mute:p
  19. buffy is a bad singer!
  20. hello everybody! why the hell is everything on tv this week a repeat? wats with that?
  21. hahaha not importing this time eh snez? ive seen quite a few decent priced ones in the sunday times classifieds id say its worth a look also have a look in the auto trader
  22. oh sorry its all hush hush hehehe hidden agenda type thing it can be whoever you want! ok im really going now!
  23. oh so now i cant come without the ankles eh!? i think your just using me 4 my ankles now!
  24. i think you should just jump her! if you dont im gonna have 2 push you onto her!
  25. Fine then! i dont wanna come! youll just be staring at my ankles all nite anyway!
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