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Everything posted by 33Spec2

  1. Hehehe i agree! but definetaly not all holden drivers r wankerz coz if you said that then most of australia would b wankerz! id say mostly the younger ones who think they own the road and end up giving other young drivers a bad image are the wankers! I live across the road from a big park with a big car park and as you can guess there r dickheads running amuck every nite and 99.99% are holdens or fords with an age of approx 17-25 doing burnouts, ripping up grass and running into things which is extremely annoying!
  2. I cant believe everyone here is so against stickers! yeah i agree maybe the fast and furious thing has been overdone a bit now as Judged said but really is it so bad to have a car that looks nice! it may look rice or wateva but i think if you like it then do it! I just dont understand wats so bad about stickers unless your falsely advertising products you dont have! my 2cents
  3. Like this see! :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake:
  4. I dont mind watchin latin girls shake there asses Jlo style so it should be good! anyway we iz gettin smashed at the casino 2!
  5. me EVL_R33 and co. are goin 2 the burswood 4 sum latin show thing a friend who works at burswood got us tickets cheap cheap!
  6. my god im tired i slept an hour last nite woulda been more if bastrds didnt lock me out the house! had 2 bang on windows 4 half an hour till lazy ***s woke up! ggggggrrrrrrrr now im gettin ready 2 do it all again goin out 2nite and hav 2 start at 5 again! i seriously cannot handle these early shifts they can *** off if they put me on anymore!
  7. you dirty whores! just cant keep away can ya!
  8. fingers crossed no one will crash 2nite with this crap weather! anyway im off 2 pik ppl up so c you guys there!
  9. hahaha ill go on that aidwin! i wanna organise one down south 2 a winery so everyone can get pissed and stay the nite!
  10. hmmmmmm i better leave soon then i still have 2 go 2 joondalup!
  11. thanx milk that game is fun! hahaha why the hell r they crying?
  12. going goin gone! bbbbbbbyyeeeeee
  13. thannx 4 that info joe ill write it down!
  14. who luvs paul?
  15. ok im goin 2 bed now! been up since 4:30 and my eyes are all bloodshot goodnite
  16. well that does no good 4 me coz i have nothing else 2 insure cept my car! Angel has cordelia but i cant b bothered watchin it anymore once u miss one episode yyour lost 4 the rest of the series
  17. paul has the cheapest insurance i eva seen! lucky bastard! its coz u so old! they musta made a mistake
  18. my insurance is the worst but i just couldnt b farked looking round coz i pretty much knew no one else would take me! Yes i agree importing sux ass! crap thing is i may have 2 import my next car coz i really want a series2 and series 2's here are the biggest rip off all the ones ive seen are around $25000 but the ones i get on PMS are round $20000 and even less
  19. if i end up with a spare seat you are more than welcome 2 use it joe i just hav 2 double check if my friends is coming or not as usual they probably will bail on me also Inextremis will b with me he may whore with other ppl as well
  20. yeah i read that one to! WTF!
  21. kyles sounds like shes a real bitch who wont listen 2 anytthing so get her sacked and then we will see whos better!
  22. hahahahahaha yeah ive watched 'nizmos wrath' as i like 2 call it!
  23. yeah we all gonna gang up on you paul! no no you dirty bastrd i didnt say gang bang! (i know your thinkin it)
  24. i think you have already picked who you want next.........and the winner is aidwin! Kyles i would say something to her first maybe tell her the other staff arent liking her attitude and youve heard they are looking 2 sack someone and see if she changes then cool.......if not BYE BYE!
  25. you tease me the most! its time someone else take my place!
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