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Everything posted by 33Spec2

  1. hello aidwin yes i know paul can be cruel! wait till he takes out the whip! hello joe paul and adam
  2. hey ever1
  3. goodnite micko
  4. goodnite aidwin umm im gonna go aswell i need my sleep badly! seeya
  5. yeah i saw pauls car on drivetime but i didnt know he was friends wit that guy
  6. whos pauls friend? i didnt know he had one! oh no hes prob gonna read this later! wat does he drive?
  7. wats on drivetime?
  8. haha if i have breakfast ill have 2 get up even earlier! dammit im gonna be walking round the servo with my eyes half closed babbling crap! i think im gonna have 2 drink lots of coffee
  9. paul is watching buffy prob like all smart ppl! hard work is the story of my life! i have 2 get up at farkin 5am 2mora! dammit i dont even go 2 bed till that time!
  10. hello everybody! i feel like ive been hit by a bus i just worked 14 and a half hours
  11. Hey every1 piked! haha im off 2 bed aswell damn work! making me start so early! goodnite all
  12. Psiker that is really sick! yuk
  13. ooooooooh now i get it that would make sense!
  14. Neo it has a plug type thing on the end but not plugged in anywhere ill check 2 c if there is somewhere 2 plug it thanx!
  15. bye niz yeah i cant wait 2 c HPI6!
  16. yeah that could be it but why isnt it connected 2 anything? Paul you should talk you are king of rice!
  17. it turns on neon lights i wouldnt really want a switch that does nothing:p
  18. hahaha removing ovary! when the vet asked me 2 find it i was pulling out all sorts of things took me ages then we realised the cat had already been desexed!
  19. thats ok paul! i looked at the car 4 a while and pushed out that button next 2 steering wheel thats about it so far
  20. hahaha desexing female cats is fun eh joe? reminds me of fishing!
  21. Obviously you did not read my post b4! shows how much attention u pay! also i have these wires that come up under the drivers seat does anyone know wat these are 4???
  22. hahaha my dog has put me off german shepards 4 eva! he is the most evil dog on earth i call him satan!
  23. i have a german sheperd cross kelpie who luvs cats..................4 dinner!
  24. the amount of cats that came into the vet when i worked there that had been in fights! sooooooo many with big cuts and eyes missing!
  25. wine yuck go champagne!
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