hmmm ok
well ive read through this whole thread and id just like 2 add my 2cents
i reckon that all this bullshit revenue raised by bullshit speed cameras and fines should b put 2 use on EDUCATING DRIVERS! and im sorry 2 say this but it is a FACT that young drivers are the ones that need more educating aswell as ederly ppl. More advanced driver training is needed aswell as harder testing and testing in different conditions. I also believe that if young ppl want high powered cars then they should hav 2 b tested for a high powered car so that the ones that cant handle them dont get them!
and give me a break! it is 100% THE DRIVERS FAULT!!! i dont care wat any1 else says, the driver chose the car, the driver chose the speed, the driver chose to drive how he did so how can you say that it is the cars fault! dont blame the car! if you cant handle it, dont drive it! simple
end of rant