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Everything posted by 33Spec2

  1. nah nah corona is the only thing 2 drink! ok bye
  2. no no thats a good thing i was just sayin that youll hav 2 watch out 4 paul!
  3. anyway i get 2 go home now! yay! ill b on later maybe! if not ill talk 2 yous on sunday bye bye
  4. hahaha im only 19 so im still a youngan 2
  5. hmmm a blonde 18yr old stay faaar faaar away from these guys:p
  6. how old iz ya r31 chick? heeeeeeeeeeeeellooooooooo macka!
  7. wat the???? hmmm that sux i wont b able 2 go then!
  8. wat time is it adrian? i dont think i can go i hav shitty work till 6! ill c u at the cruise yeh!?
  9. time 4 shower:p hello r31 chick havent seen you on here b4! oh no your gonna become a whore!
  10. hey adrian! wat u gettin up 2 this weekend?
  11. hmmmm i get on and every1 leaves!
  12. hello hello! tafe sux and the computers are sooooo slow!
  13. and you would know paul!
  14. hmmmmm as soon as niz leaves the whoring slows rite down!
  15. goodnite Niz
  16. counting the minutes now ken?
  17. hahaha speaking of daydreamin while drivin did any1 see the nice blue WRX smashed up on Leach hwy! u had 2 feel sorry 4 him even though it was a rex!
  18. my Tafe lecturer works with prison inmates he said they do a good job but they take 4eva!
  19. no no i go 2 bed when humphry does get it rite! i feel so young around all you guys which is great coz around all my friends they give me crap coz im the old one!
  20. im 2 young 4 all this stuff! its 2 serious 4 me:p
  21. dammit i thought they were both the same! i knew i was getting something wrong! kissing leads 2 sex hahaha:p
  22. hahaha osc@r as usual SAU WA is talking about sex stuff! should stand for Sex Australia
  23. slobbering hehehe
  24. they need the whole package 4 me 2 b interested hahaha
  25. yeah ill neva go 4 a smoker! i made my current g/f quit b4 i did anything dont like drinkers or druggies either or ****s even though i always end up with ****s! gggrrrrrr they neva start off like that!
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