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Everything posted by 33Spec2

  1. goin 2 eh?! goodnite piker paul ummm i best b off 2 cant b late 4 tafe again 5 days in a row!
  2. i dont want page 666 ------>>> DEVIL ill leave it 4 paul:p
  3. goodnite macka yeah especially since now there is only one single girl on here!
  4. ok ok ill find a skank without a smelly muf muf! beta write this stuff down on shoppin list!
  5. hehe SkanksR Us mmmmmmm shouldnt b 2 hard 2 find
  6. haha how could i 4get!
  7. hahhaha ok 2 big breasted dumb blondes cummin up! ill c wat i can find!
  8. i gotta get me a giant gold 'R' to hang round my neck and make my car bounce up and down!
  9. used 2 go out but jus friends now yeah she was hell moody 4 sum reason i musta pissed her off! maybe she just not a skyline fan, last time i take her on a cruise!
  10. shoulda been a photographer
  11. Pimp! yeah thats me! who wants 2 be hooked up? i have all different ones fat ones skinny ones blonde ones brunette ones but sorry no guys 4 u paul? just kiddin im sure there is sumthin in stock
  12. hahaha heres a pic!
  13. yep blonde one was! other was bretts g/f my girl was not there hopefully will bring her on next cruise hmmmm im startin 2 sound like a hoe myself!
  14. sounds like you guys gonna hav a real great time down south! b sure not 2 take photos:p
  15. sounds like u hav 2 clean ya car real bad rev!
  16. hahah sounds like you seen that movie 2 many times - now me and the mad scientist hav 2 rip apart the block and replace the piston rings you fried!
  17. i hav nothin 2 do wit this! paul is tryin 2 forfill fantasies!
  18. noooooo nooooooooo nooooo yuk yuk u cant corrupt me! its gonna hav 2 double adapta macka!
  19. Ok i will but only 4 you.........................not:p besides youve been cheating with macka and micko!
  20. hahaha hmmmmm rev im liking the sound of your car!
  21. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!! since wen? Musta been while i was sleeping! i told you my butt hole is a OUT hole and an OUT hole only! not a IN hole:p
  22. :p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p jus wait wen i get my turbo ill kick all ya skanky asses! just saw c-red has a n/a 4 sale on their site
  23. and with page ownage
  24. still here
  25. yeah not into sony either theres much better brands you can get for the same price like pioneer
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