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Everything posted by 33Spec2

  1. oh thats ok then yeah everyone piked early!
  2. goodnite cam and joe hmmm all alone
  3. goodnite nizzz
  4. :shake: :boobies2: :cuddle: dont like :alien:
  5. we have a singer and a kenwood and computer dvd players
  6. Joe strathfield is the best and cheapest ive found 4 dvd players we got both ours from there! also The Good Guys
  7. Zora! yuk i liked the blonde one better!
  8. i must admit im a fan of trashy american shows i like survivor but joe millionaire and the bachelor r so bad not even i can watch them!
  9. its ok dont stress im back! and clean! Joe millionaire i hate that show! but will and grace is on next! i think they just said elton john is gonna b on it
  10. thanx will keep that in mind Gradenko didnt think of that ill hav 2 find sumthin in between
  11. b bak in 20mins gona take a shower! cya
  12. wat every1 got planned 4 the weekend?
  13. Hi nizzzzzmo!
  14. yeah hopefully looking 2 buy in the second half of year depends
  15. take it 2 a workshop? maybe someone from here who knows a lot could look at it?
  16. yeah so if any1 sees sumthin special b sure 2 tell me!
  17. yeah i dont care if its a private sale ill just make sure RAC checks over it 4 me
  18. yeah i reckon id rather spend the time and money 2 do it up myself mite learn a few things! why r ppl offloading them? hmmm may hav 2 buy soon!
  19. how much u reckon i need? has 2 be a r33 i reckon about $18000 i dont care if its stock
  20. hey if you were 2 buy a skyline in perth where would you get it from? is there a really good cheap dealer? (yeah probably in fairy land)
  21. its great how bout yours? i just saw the nicest yellow r34!
  22. hi evvrybody!
  23. im goin 2 bed now goodnite!
  24. hahaha thats a good one zanda! yeah ive heard a lot of different stories from ppl who imported personally im not sure if i could b bothered 2 do it again id rather just pay the extra money and get one here
  25. ok thanx 4 that skyzerr um yeah there is a lot i could say bout my compliance but non i would say on here:p
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