Firstly, I no longer believe in a 'one-man' bleeder. If guys can do it solo, then awesome, but I tried twice by myself and couldn't bleed it properly. With two people, we did it quickly and correctly.
philta it's important to lock the bleed nipple whilst the brake pedal is depressed. Have your mate hold the hose to the nipple whilst you pump the pedal till the air stops coming out. Brake fluid is cheap so don't be stingy Better to pump too many times and sort your brakes first go.
Once the hose shows all the air has been pumped out of that line, hold the brake pedal to the floor whilst your sidekick tightens the bleed nipple. Follow the bleed order I posted in post #67 and you'll be sorted in no time.
For me, when I did it solo I needed to pump the brake pedal two or three times prior to ANY braking. After the two-man attempt, it worked first go and felt as good as after a mechanic did it last year.
Hope that helps mate.