Hi guys,
Just a few quick ones regarding this topic:
*The RAAF Hornets have been upgraded to at least F/A-18C standard. It has been going on for a few years and is called the Hornet Upgrade (HUG).
*There are 71 RAAF Hornets.
*Surpisingly, they perform better than a P-51
*They Iroquois are old, yes. That is why they are being replaced by the Tiger.
*JSF's can't take over the Hornets for a while yet. There aren't even any JSF's in-service in the US.
*As someone pointed out, the cost of providing these elements is very high, which (to answer another post) is why "the governmant only gives a sh!t about terrorism when we have visitors". That statement is like asking why don't we have a police officer walking a beat past everyone's house 24/7. Impractical.
*The SASR has a team assigned to counter-terrorism on a full-time basis. Yes, they are in Melbourne.
I don't mean to cause offence guys, just clarifying a few points raised. I hope you read it in the spirit in which it is intended.