Yep, all the way up to 28%pa. That's what you pay when you ring those guys on TV that say, "no job? poor credit? been bankrupt? We can help you!" because you pay through the nose for the loan.
Dude, when you are shopping for cars, try VERY hard to keep thoughts of cruising, zoom zoom and so on out of your head. Look at the car as a tool or a piece of equipment. Buy one that meets your requirements and is going to give you the least problems.
Salespeople will always work hard to appear approachable and friendly, that's their job. ALL salespeople can "do you a deal" because they have sooooo much fat. GTST is right on, don't buy from a dealer, they are a waste of money. By all means, use a dealer to find out which car you like, then go privately to buy.
Pay cash. I've sold a few cars and when a guy turns up with cash:
1. You know they are there to buy a car
2. When they turn to walk off with that cash, your price becomes negotiable again...