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Everything posted by cowie165

  1. Try squirting either a little water, dishwashing detergent or WD40 onto the timing belt. If the noise goes away, you've identified which one is causing the problem. I've found WD40 the best because of the long nozzle. You can squirt a tiny bit on without making a great big mess. I guess you could always put some on before you start the motor?
  2. THe only GTR specific repair I've had to do was have an ATTESSA leak fixed. Everything else (seals, plugs, pumps, rust, rotors) would be just the same as if I'd bought an 89 300ZX/GTSt I say. That said, if I had an 89 GTSt I wouldn't be stressed about blowing up the engine. I've seen them for sale for $1200 and cheaper. You wouldn't bother rebuilding it, just buy a replacement Having the GTR motor kark it is my biggest worry. And in my opinion, mainenance is the replacement of consumables only. If you want to modify your GTR it's dearer due to needing two airpods, two turbos, two dump pipes, etc. That said, I'm not about to replace the intercooler whereas a GTSt driver might want a front mounted IC, so it *kinda* evens out?
  3. It has been sitting on my garage floor gathering dust for a while so I'm keen to make some room. Please beam over a PM with another price if you like. Cheers
  4. Bummer, the pic has disappeared since the forums changed. Thanks for the reply Lukez - apparently they are called weather shields, but not for the sunroof Cheers
  5. THanks for the replies guys. The sound brings me back to the days of Colin McRae Rally on the original Playstation four right, tightens.... three left, four left, don't cut - ditch... hehehe
  6. The whole car is currently being painted. Rust found on drivers side, on the inside of the door frame, just under the latch. Rust found around the rear windscreen seal. Pretty bad too - in between surface rust and body rust. Rust found on the outer sills, but having some knob forklift your car and then park it on a wharf will do that every time Also may have some being the LH headlight. Well it looks like there may be some back there. THe spot I mean would is being the fender. Pics in my gallery *sigh* used to have easy links.
  7. Ok here's another one. When selling your car, don't ask buyers to come to your home address. Meet them at McDonalds, meet them at a shopping centre carpark. Plenty of guys have had 'buyers' come to their home and had their car stolen next weekend. It's the equivalent of casing the joint.
  8. Danny there are always a few going on Yahoo JPN. I tried to pickup a set but they will end up costing over $150, nearly $200 by the time you pay a service fee and postage. Hey if you find a wrecker who has two pair, please send a PM I'll do the same! Mark
  9. bump
  10. Yep, totally agree with you Baz. It irritates me as an invasion of my privacy however if there are no illegal activites taking place here then no problemo? If this 'Officer Holland' actually is a policeman, then the Council for Civil Libertieswould probably be interested. You can lodge a complaint online. Then again, they may love that the police are 'monitoring' hoons and where they plan burnout parties
  11. Watching a bit of the ARC today - what is that whiny noise you can hear when the camera is in-car? The sound is similar to a large DC motor or something. Is it transmission noise? It increases in volume with RPM. Just wonderin'...
  12. Guys you will never see a government employee sign anything like that. That is what legislation is for. If anything they'll refer you to the Road Traffic Act or something like that, that's where the rules come from - they are set by parliament. The reason you keep getting different answers is due to n00b employees who don't know what they are talking about. Think about the last time you went to an import car yard and found a salesman that talked out his ass and had no idea. Same rationale applies here. Richard is right on the money - you will not need to pay twice.
  13. I'm with schmiddy. Imagine being a cop, standing on the riot line in all your gear, having drunk knobs throwing all sorts of crap at you, and your bosses are telling you to just hold the line? Most police are good blokes, they are trying to help and the job pays the bills - when riot police turn up they are making sure things don't get out of control and the general public isn't at risk. I'd love to see how tough those bottle throwing morons are if the senior officer decided to unleash twenty baton weilding police all wearing helmets, shields and flak jackets... there are a LOT of countries out there where throwing crap at the police would NOT be tolerated and they'd probably Rodney King your ass
  14. If you are stuck, I have an R33 GTR cat I'm looking to sell. I'm in Newcastle. Mark
  15. I don't think that comparing 'Jap' with 'Aussie', 'Pom' or 'Yank' is on the money. IMO it would be more like Jap = Skippy = Seppo. Being called an aussie is np, I am one , but if you stopped at the lights and shouted, "Learn how to drive Skippy mate!" I'd be pissed off.
  16. In NSW you have two weeks from the date of purchase to transfer the registration into your name, and that's when you pay stamp duty. If you purchased a car in QLD you could then drive across the border and transfer the rego to your name. You are liable for stamp duty when the registration is first transferred into your name. From there, you are just paying registration fees. I had a 180SX with NSW rego, moved to QLD, re-registered for QLD plates. Only charges were a blue slip, new rego cost (old rego can be reimbursed) and my time at the pits. Check www.rta.nsw.gov.au out, it should clear things up.
  17. The 'n00b' thing under "Holland"s username is due to his post count, same as the new RB20DE thing here. If he is legit, why would he introduce himself as 'Officer' Holland if his rank is Senior Sergeant? Why is this the first and apparently only post made by an alleged member of the Police? Government/Public Servants are not allowed to represent themselves without permission. You have Public Relations officers and so on. I don't know, I just find it hard to believe that this is legit. Three cheers for SAU and the fact that most guys here can spell and put together a proper sentence (sory RICE nufin ment buy it) Can I go to www.carthievesaustralia.com and find out when my suburb is about to be targetted?
  18. If you live in an apartment, or park on the street, perhaps you could post some good info?
  19. Guys I am sitting here sadly reading thread after thread where guys have had their cars stolen or been ripped off by guys like GDTNO/doridori32 etc. I've started a thread hoping to share my thoughts on how to protect yourself and your car, and hopefully you can post your thoughts/pointers also. I work in a security-type role and the first thing that springs to mind is information security. 1. Be careful who you share your address with. Does the tyre shop really need your home address? Could you just provide a contact number instead? If you've just met guys some other car nuts (on a cruise or at maccas or wherever) you don't really need to be specific about where you live...? When cars are stolen from garages, the thieves clearly found out where you live from somewhere. 2. Don't post your mobile phone number in a thread. Use a PM. That way you know exactly who has access to your contact details. Guys have been stung when their mobile has rung and the caller has said, "Yeah mate the suspension is $400, put it in this account... etc." 3. If you have a garage aka carhole, make sure you still lock the car! Until recently I was kidding myself in thinking that because the car was in the garage, it was safe. The cheap rolladoor lock vs. your $600 immobiliser system? You do the math. 4. Don't leave your keys on the kitchen bench. Either buy a Brandt Nemesis (has a keypad)(and apparently Brandt is in receivership?) or put your keys somewhere safe as cars have been stolen whilst the owner was in the house, fast asleep! Your safe spot may be beside your bed, in your wardrobe, in the bathroom cupboard - who cares - just NOT on the bench/table at the front door etc. Don't help thieves out by making it easy. As a guy in a WA thread suggested, clip your keys onto your pitbull when you go to bed Suffice to say that you have to protect yourself. Be careful who you share important information with. Lock your car at the servo. Although I am so very grateful for the SAU community, you cannot trust someone just because they are a member. Look at their history. How long have they been a member? Are you the first person to do business with them? And the deal seems to good to be true? A GTR front cut for $3000? Where do I send the money!? I don't mean to foster paranoia, I would just like to see some of the younger guys help themselves and avoid being stung. If you have any info to share, please do so! Mark
  20. As well as the switch under the handbrake lever, check your brake fluid level. There have been a few guys on here that have had the light come on and had low brake fluid. My brother-in-law wondered why his was on (R32) and found out the reason when he went up the ass of a car at an orange traffic light.
  21. I disagree with you Baz. From Predator's website you can see Gordon swapped his 'front stock "non type-m" single pot crappers (which the car came with) to the "type-m" 4 pot brakes'. Non-Type M's have a steering wheel very similar to an S13 and have a plastic gearknob. I'm pretty sure the rims are also different. There was a recent thread where a guy had two GTSt's to choose from. One was a black standard GTSt and the other a silver Type M. Mark
  22. Fortunately for consumers those type of disclaimers are (generally) worthless. Unless Don signed an agreement or contract when he dropped of his car and parts there shouldn't be any problems. For example, just because a workshop has a sign stating "Vehicles not collected within 7 days of completion of work become property of ABC Pty Ltd" doesn't mean the company can legally do it. I had a look through the Trade Practices Act and the NSW Fair Trading Act but neither of them cover security of goods owned by a third party. Chris mate I hope I don't sound rude, just wanted to let guys breathe a little easier. Once again I encourage anyone involved in this sort of situation to seek legal assistance. It may cost a few hundred dollars just for a guy to write a letter of demand to a workshop, but it could save a lot of hassle, it lets the workshop know you are serious and you will increase the likelihood of being reimbursed a hundredfold.
  23. Not sure how to describe these guys. I'm looking for the plastic 'tray' that fits around the A-pillar to the roofline and stops the rain dripping in. The attached picture should say it all If you have a set you don't want, please reply here or beam over a PM. Thanks! Mark
  24. Surely this is covered by insurance. It would be outrageous for Pulse to leave you high and dry!? Sad new Don, hope it is all resolved painlessly. If they (Pulse) stuff around, perhaps consider legal action. Otherwise it is like having money deducted from your bank account because the ANZ branch was robbed...
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