I too am confused. I have read every post on this thread, first few pages were awesome (to see differences of opinions on ways of setting up a good engine). The thread is about an engine setup and the figures it produces. Yes you may differ in opinion and by all means express your views on the engine setup. However the mods (who are 99% of the time on the ball with moderating threads, have for some reason let things go and get nasty - which does no good to anyone and at the same time hijacks the purpose of this thread).
I would request from the mods that all 'useless' posts be deleted, let the thread continue to be a 'descent' discussion on a great engine setup and warn those who have broken any forum rules.
I don't know Sydney Kid nor have purchased any of his products or engaged in any technical discussions with him, same as for DirtGarage. But regardless of differences of opinions, I don't think any form of public bad mouthing of another business should be allowed.
C'mon guys, relax and enjoy Ben's engine setup and stick to the topic.
My 2 cents worth.