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    Nissan Skyline R34 GTT
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  1. They did make ARC boxes for the GTT, I've got one!
  2. Looks to be a tiny, tiny air leak. Seems to be small enough that it wasn't picked up initially but after eliminating everything (several times) it was narrowed down to the reservoir as we replaced it with a dummy one which fixed the issue.
  3. Update! It was the power steering reservoir. Despite being removed and inspected (appearing fine with all relevant tests) we removed it again and replaced with a copy reservoir. Lo and behold, problem solved. New reservoir fabricated and to be fitted!
  4. Update. Hoses are off for inspection and replacement to cover off all bases.
  5. That's a fair shout. At this point our next plan is the hoses etc.
  6. Just additional comment. Drove the car and there is steering assist when at speed, so there is that. Stationary the car steering shudders and the pump whines.
  7. Update - P/s reservoir off (again) and inspected. Appears fine. Dummy reservoir fitted, minimal improvement but still not great. Original reservoir returned. Steering rack removed, inspected again (appears fine), new tie rods fitted and solenoid inspected. Replacement solenoid fitted. Tested previously and worked well. No improvement. Solenoid replaced despite original appearing fine. Replacement works but no improvement on p/s situation. As of now, plan its to see what the valve on the alternator does... Steering will shudder during turning (stationary) and pump whines as its trying to relieve under minimal load. Hicas has not been touched and there's no indication of hicas related issues. Open to suggestions. Next stage is to simply replace all p/s related hoses?
  8. Yep, got a copy of that thank you! Have tested all diagnosis, and it hasn't worked sadly. No power steering at all. Wheel is very heavy while stationary and at speed, although the faster I go the easier It did get to steer. I have just had a turbo upgrade done tho, and the problem has only occurred since said upgrade. Given that I've been through a replacement rack & pump and still having issues, it could be related to this..
  9. G'day guys. My R34 GTT Neo has developed a problem where it has no power steering assist. Now I've covered off on all p/s basics first. No hoses leak, fluids replaced. No air bubbles etc. Still no good. Former mechanic replaced power steering pump, still no fix. We've even replaced the steering rack itself, still no power steering. We've isolated the PS pump and confirm that its working as intended and the head unit solenoid on the right hand side of the rack is working as it should also. We're simply just not getting any steering assist. Any ideas?? I've done some reading on the forum and read that hicas can cause some issues. The vehicle does not have a hicas lock bar. There has been no hicas light on the dash appearing. Anything I can check for on the hicas end of things that would prevent power steering working as needed?? The car has recently had a turbo upgrade (low mount, standard mani with ext wastage fabbed) that was put in by the mechanic prior to the car having these issues. Anything could have been touched in that install that's prompted these problems? I've scouted the forum but found nothing thus far and am simply lost. Appreciate any help!
  10. Going to jump in here instead of creating a new thread, if anyone has reccomendations for tuners in Tas while they're at it, let us know!
  11. I've read through the forums (hypergear, garrett and this thread) in search for a new turbo and just need a bit of help. RB25DET with usual supporting mods ready for turbo upgrade. Looking at a garrett gen II gtx3076 ext gate low mount with 0.82 a/r However I've since been pointed in the direction of Kando/Kinugawa. Looking at these two options - Kinugawa Gtx3076 https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com.au%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F292621030784 Or Kinugawa td06-sl250g 10cm https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com.au%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F292369075155 Anyone had experience with either? Will they fit low mount ext gate and which would be better for 300kw or close to on p98? I've checkout out hypergear but tuner isn't keen. Have scoured the forums but a lot of Kando info is a few years old now. Worst case I'll save for garrett gtx3076 but people have said good things about these and considering the $$, thought I'd research. Thanks!
  12. Hey mate, what size is the metal turbo intake? Does it have the Bov return & vaccuum hose connectors on it? Cheers
  13. I'm with Gymkhana on this one. Don't think they (specifically R34) prices are dropping for a long time, if ever, especially since the US market is only just beginning. Maybe in 15-20 years when the US owners actually realise what goes into owning these types of cars, but even then, I doubt it.
  14. Ive been cruising through this thread for a while and thought I'd try this. Went and bought some 3M carbon fibre vinyl to wrap my manual gear surround. Did anyone else struggle with the manual surround? I can't for the life of me wrap around corners/round edges. Any tips/tricks?
  15. Ah right. Thanks for the correction!
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