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Everything posted by ickis3030

  1. Let me know how it goes, i need a tuneup and usually go to APC, there good, but might try something different.
  2. Awsome i watched it about 15 times:) wish my R33 had that much power:)
  3. I feal your pain, my old celica gt4 was parked out front while i was trying to sell it. A delivery van droped a chair across the road and decided it would be nice to reverse park onto the back quarter panel smashig it and shunting the car into the curb, scuffing the 17inch 3g wheels it had. he wasnt insured so decided to just leave his mobil num, then when i ran got hostile and refused to pay. My insurance needed his home num addy and crap so mobile wasnt enough. There still trying to get the money from him. Got the celica fixed sold it for 13.5g and got myself a R33 Gts25t. i think i will cry the day that my new car is hit while parking.
  4. where the hell your getting you petrol Lol. I recon i could get 2.5 to 5 tanks with 100$ but i am in QLD, and the price for 98 ron just went up 10c:( to 1.20 around
  5. well its actually 190.15 at the flywheel.- so you lose 20 to 30 KW to RW does that give you 140???. No need to get testy mate, im just saying that it seems a bit low., My Bro has a stock R33 and got 157.9,same day, and he is a mechanic. he was there watching the whole time. he said it was done right. Im not saying i know everything. but you seem to be:) Ickis
  6. What fual you running in that? 140 kw is not good even for a stock R33 Gts25t, Before Tune I got 143 RWKW, then after new sparks and a tune i got 158.9 RWKW it was done at APC in brisbane. I can get a scan tomorrow if someone wants to see it. The only mod i have is an exhaust.
  7. I have the same Problem, i don't even look at it anymore. If the red oil light comes on then i will panic. Can everyone with the same problem post in here, or do a poll. It would be good to see how many do:) Ickis
  8. Was there a list of the baned cars? i only see a ban on V8s and up..according to that link http://www.smh.com.au/news/National...7910274905.html im 32 and live in bris, so im not to worried:) Ickis GL all you P platers, stage a revolt and drive your cars into Bob Carr front yard!!!
  9. Found this link on the NZ Skyline site. Some nice body kits, some crazy ass body kits " check the ones with the HUGE wings and exaust pipes sticking out:) http://tanetane92.web.infoseek.co.jp/gallery.html
  10. Does it go away when it has warmed up? Ive got a ticking noise when cold, you can hear it the most when its about 1/3 temp, then goes away once it gets to 1/2 Im guessing it’s an exhaust manifold leak its coming from that area. Im taking it to my bros to get checked out, but im 90% sure thats what it is. Could be the same problem’s?? hope this helps oh yea and my sound is like a Ticka ticka ticka sound
  11. Hey all A friend of mine at work is looking for a good place to get frontcuts. he is looking for a wrx, for a kit car. Location is brisbane.
  12. its all stock mate. thanks for the info. ickis
  13. hey guys Im no mechanic, so I have to use info from friends. I need some solid info, so if you are guessing please don't reply. At high revs in first gear when changing to second , I get a pop from exhaust, its not loud and not everytime, + i don't loose power. My mechanic friend said don't worry. unless it backfires.. something to do with the efficiency of the ignition system, that at high revs sometimes it will miss. ok do I need to get it tuned "only done 5000ks ago, or check the coil packs" don't really wana have to keep retaping them" or ignore. thanks Ickis its an R33 gts25t 94 with 63,000ks
  14. Thanks guys, i can stop stressing now..
  15. OK this might sound a little parinoied but. When i turn hard left or right, the revs increase, only slightly, like up to 1000, or a bit more. It goes strait up then down same reversing, or driving when cold down the 10 lvl carpark when i leave work. the car is new to me so i have no idea if this is the car just keeping the revs up.. ok you can all flame me now!!!
  16. Hey guys, Im new to posting but i have trolled the forums for about a year since getting my R33 gts25t Ok now to the question. I live in brisbane and it can get dam hot here, so i know that oil pressure should be lower when hot. Usualy my oil gauge sits just above 2 " "about 2 mill" at idle, i have changed over to full synth oil about 2 months ago. OK so im driving all is fine, after about 30 min of driving, at idle the pressure drops to about 2 mill under 2 and the needle seems less responsive to revs . I know its not much, but like i said for a year it would sit about 2 mill above 2 at idle. If i turn the car of then start it up strait away it goes back to its usual temp and stays there. does this sound like the start of a fault sender, or am i being paranoid. I rang the mechanic about it and he wants me to bring it in, Im not realy in the $$$$ so dont realy wana do that just yet. sorry for the rambling, im a little stressed!!! JC
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