Man it might seem cool but having a turbo skyline as your first car on your P's is in my opinion really really stupid. Especially one thats had work done to it.
I've seen what happens first hand to inexperienced drivers and it aint pretty. No doubt the coppers from TMU see this on a weekly basis.
If i'm caught doing something wrong and i get pulled over for it - no matter how pissed off i am i will accept it and move on. BUT if i'm not doing anything wrong and get pulled over for some crap reason like "your car is modified so it must be unroadworthy" - you can bet your ass I will be filing a formal complaint.
With regards to Ozone, let the tossers cruise around at Knox Ozone - trying to impress 14 year old chicks and school boys. At the end of the day who really cares? There will always be people who do this - it just moves - used to be lygon, now its going from chapel to places like ozone.