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About MikeR34GTT

  • Birthday 30/08/1989

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    2000 Nissan Skyline R34 GT-T
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  1. Just a update, we can put a nail in the coffin on this one thank god, second hand head saved the day (in fact was via SAU so god bless this place). I feel for anyone silly enough to take it to your run of the mill mechanic like I did. If you have this issue, do it yourself or seek PROFESSIONAL help
  2. Hey gents, I tracked down a Ferrea set for the NEO on eBay (https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com.au%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F142480427789) After forwarding onto my guy, I got the following response (attached) The supplier confirmed they are a direct standard replacement, so from your point of view, who doesn’t know their stuff, my mechanic or this supplier? At this point we are likely going to go with a private sale option
  3. I saw these pop up as I was at my mechanic today literally helping scope other options (this is what I’m paying this fu$&& for mind you..) Do you think you could provide me with a link or two for anyone outside of Ferrea please mate.
  4. Hey experts, In desperate need of someone who 'knows a guy' or can put me onto a reputable establishment that can procure a full set of 24 valves for a RB25DETNEO, which are proving to be the hardest part to acquire in the country. Long story short, my GTT slipped the timing belt due to a coolant leak from the head way back in April and bent all 24 valves. It's been with my mechanic, Head Street Auto in Traralgon ever since then. The head re-build was outsourced to Hoppers Heads in Victoria and the outsourcing of the valves required is being barely managed by Hi-Octane in Sydney. This mob in Sydney keep dicking around my mechanic here in Traralgon regarding valve availability and ETA's - I was last told after I called this mob direct that the valves were being shipped from Japan and would land Monday 2 weeks ago - today I've been told they've only received x amount of one size and y amount of the other (correct me if I'm wrong but there's 12 valves of one size and 12 of another for the NEO? Not all 24 are the same). What I'm hoping from this post is someone knows a good business or even just a guy who can just say yep, what do you need, 24 valves, order placed they'll be here in 2 weeks - done. I've been without this car going on 3 months now whilst my mechanic, the head shop and the parts supplier all go around in circles trying to source valves for a RB25DETNEO. My mechanic is weary about sourcing the parts privately from a private sale in case they go through all the rigmarole only to find they aren't serviceable or are dodgy or something. Any assistance would be appreciated, dont even remember what my 34 looks like anymore!
  5. Solid advice, thank you - put me on the right path here. Was just unsure if there were other things likely to let go in the next x amount of k's, but I love this thing and need her back on the road ASAP. Might be back with an update soon hopefully.
  6. Hi experts, My timing belt on my 34 GTT slipped mid-freeway driving due to a coolant leak somewhere, and I've bent the valves. My mechanic is still in the process of assessing damage and cost i.e repairable, machining etc but I'm probably up for 1.5 to 3k total. There was mention of valve repair depending on hydraulic or mechanic which was the real dollar figure affecting factor. What advice I'm after is, is it worth spending the money to have the motor repaired that's clocked 212,000k (and obviously plugging the leak) or investing the money in another motor, and if so, another DETNEO if they are easy to find or something else? The car is a daily, I was working towards saving for a little daily shitbox, then this happened. Whats likely the best course of action here? Serious answers would be appreciated, in a bit of a serious situation. I'm no expert, I have a general understanding of my car, which is why I seek the advice of experts such as yourselves. Thanks, Mike
  7. There was one on the stock cat, but nothing on the Venom now - do you recommend having a shop custom make one for my cat (or an area of the exhaust as you say?). Also, from your recommendation and putting down to an exhaust heat shield, whats happening down there to make it cause that noise?
  8. R34 GTT Auto High Revs 'Mystery Noise' Hello experts, I'm experiencing a very strange problem with my R34 GTT (Auto Tiptronic) at high-revs as I change between gears, usually between 3 & 4 but can't say for sure (I've not driven it for quite some time as the water pump has gone and I'm waiting on parts as it'll be a full 100k service anyway so I cant say for sure). Basically, If i plant it, I hear a unique "BRRRRRRT" sound between some gear changes and sounds like its coming from underneath the car (the A/T?) and is usually followed a puff of black smoke out the back of the exhaust, like its delayed that fraction of a second and the exhaust gases have backed up. I know she's running a bit rich, it's mostly stock but this is something that I really noticed after I had most the stock exhaust system replaced (X-Force 3.5 Catback, Venom 5" Cat - yet to fit a dump to complete the system). My gears change just fine under normal load/cruisey driving, I dont have any issues or lag between changes, and I dont often flog it as its a daily driver (only every now and then to clear out the crap and whenever there is some p-plater pleb in a commy at the lights trying to get a rise out of me). As I'm at 197,000k's (and just done a water pump), I'm conducting half the 100k service myself for the minor things such as oil & fluids, filters, radiator flush and my local mechanic will do the water pump, timing belt, seals etc - would it be worthwhile having it booked in to have the A/T serviced or is this issue cause by opening up the exhaust a bit. Any light anyone could shed would be fantastic - it's not overly problematic, but it can be quite embarrassing really. Cheers! Mike
  9. Sorry who's MCA? Basically what I'm looking to do, just don't know enough about it ): Sounds like we're in the same boat my friend. How much did your rebuilds cost for the fronts? Not cheap I'm guessing. If I have a win with a rubber top mount conversion I'll let you know!
  10. Tein HA Coilover Knock/Pillow Ball Issue Hello experts, This is a very much 'get what you pay for' type scenario, but I'm hoping some of you can help me salvage the situation as I've already learned from the mistake. I was at a crossroads when looking to upgrade the suspension of my GTT (springs+shocks or coilovers). Eventually, I went for coilovers although my budget was thin. I managed to track down a set of Tein HA's for the GTT for $700 supposedly in mint condition, which I viewed before purchase, looking for knocks, thread wear, oil leaks etc. All looked well but I'm no pro. I'd recently had them professionally checked & installed at my local shop and towards the end of the install, advised me that 'the pillowball mounts are f&%^$' and 'there was some play so I'll get alot of knocking' - and he was correct, although all 4 coilovers make the knock noise during travel. They'd also lowered quite a bit, but not over the top crazy. These guys are now 'researching' what they can do about the knock, as am I, and i'm starting to doubt if they actually know what the issue is, or even if all four knocks are related to a bad install or they are putting this issue in the too-hard-basket. Summarising, as the car is a daily, is there a way to convert the pillowball upper mount to rubber to rectify the knock (and maybe make the ride smoother, it's my daily)? I'd suggested this today when I went back to the shop and the dude said 'I dont see why not' with no further response. My options look a little like this: Buy new pillowball upper mounts @ $150 per stick Look into rubber upper mounts (can these be purchased as a universal thing, or even pulled from my OEM ones?) Take the car elsewhere for a second opinion Refit OEM and sell the Tein HA's (worst case - I'm happy with these apart from the knocks - If rubber mounts, I think ride quality may improve also) Any advice at this point is a plus as I'm foreign to suspension and am taking the word of my local shop in good faith..... because I'm paying them.
  11. [WANTED] EBC WTB: EBC, after either a ProfecB or AVCR (or something just decent) to go into my GTT. Located in Vic, postage preferred but can collect if local-ish.
  12. You guys rule. Got a pretty decent idea about what I'd be getting myself into, and I'm not about geometry or spending more money than I need to in general so I'm just gonna go with you guys here. Coilovers, legal height drop = done, so I can be done with suspension and cosmetics and focus on my engine/power mods Thanks all
  13. Update: Have found a seller for a set of GTT Tein Coilovers in good condition, no leaks or knocks. Am I still in for all of the above problems if I were to purchase these and NOT lower to 50mm (sounds painful albeit anyway), more to 35-40mm?
  14. Stock shocks for a month or two, then I'll fit aftermarket shocks (KYB) when I can tuck some funds away. Contact Kings, they themselves say they don't offer 50mm on skylines due to the problems listed above, suspension travel etc. I will look into the Teins for now, and go from there I guess. Honestly thinking about fitting BC coilovers and being done with it
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