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    '98 Yellow R34 25GT
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  1. You'll most likely get a different answer from each person you ask on this but for me they do bolt straight up. The R34 GTT brake I got bolted straight up onto my 25GT. 25GT and GTT both used 14mm bolts and even in parts catalogues they use the same bolt being 41005-AA000.
  2. I guess the rear quarters on the coupe poke out 10mm further than the sedan's rear quarters
  3. I'm at 340mm rear eyebrow height with no camber arms maybe that might have something to do with it?
  4. I avoided getting the 10 inch rear because I wasn't comfortable risking having to roll my guards so I got a square setup of 18x9 +30 and put an extra 5mm slip on hub centric spacer on the rear I reckon it needs just about 2mm more on the rear to be perfect My tyres are square too at 245/40/18 Hopefully one of these pictures gives you an idea of fitment
  5. I'll tune in with my experience as I purchased an N/A skyline as my first car and was in fact the first car I drove on my learner's permit Not sure where abouts you are but in VIC Turbo Skylines are illegal for P platers to use and now that I'm matured a bit and have had the car for some time, I'm glad I didn't get a turbo car because likely I would've wrapped myself around a tree and most of them were absolutely flogged. It really depends on how your young bloke is, If he is a Boy racer that will beat on it and cares only to go fast and look cool infront of his mates or if he is the kind of person that will look after it, improve it, respect it and be proud of what he's purchased I've had my R34 25GT for 3 years now and when I first got it I really wished I had a turbo version but it was still a lot of fun and still is the most fun I've had in a car I'm getting closer to my full license pretty soon and I don't even think I will sell my car to get a turbo version, I've grown out of that need for speed phase and I act like a 70 year old boomer who's on his fold out lawn chair after just finishing polishing his car for the 3rd time this week. I've driven stock turbo versions and yeah they're a bit faster but when you're faster through the KFC drive through looking at your cracked interior with your exterior's missmatching panels rusting away and you're rattling away when your motor is about to conk out waiting for your zinger box, all of your enjoyment is gone. A clean turbo is hard to come by these days because the only clean ones around are the ones owned by people who don't dare to sell it If someone gave me an option, either my 25GT or a turbo version with a condition that reflected the equal price of the N/A, I'd take the 25GT again On the other hand I might just have stockholm syndrome lol Sorry for the giant wall of text
  6. Hey mate, A while ago I was searching for rear rotors on my 25GT and I contacted RDA, I got an email back telling me they used to produce these rotors as RDA7690 but no longer do it anymore and they gave me the part numbers for some protex rotors "DR12834" and from my own research these are the only blokes that make them, They're pretty pricey for some little 265 rotors at around $300+? from memory Hope this helps
  7. I can vouch for these guys, I contacted them last week to get a report and they definitely delivered on service, Easily one of the friendliest and most helpful companies. Don't be hesitant on spending the money for "just a couple of pieces of paper." A report on a car you're hoping to purchase or have already purchased is the most important thing to have and you'll be kicking yourself if you don't get one. even if the report opens a can of worms for your car, It's always good to know the facts. Don't be naive and think you wont be affected by dodgy dealers, If you do, It can and will bit you in the arse, just like it bit me. A report is not only for a KM check, It will tell you a lot you didn't know about your import. EG Repairs and Structual Damage.
  8. I've recently purchased my first car, a 25GT R34 from an importer here in Victoria. I need some help identifying the wheels on it, All I know is that they're Rays but I can't find any details on it. I've attached an Image of another Skyline that is exactly the same as mine, I'm at work so I can't go out and take pictures at the moment. Thanks in advance everyone
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