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Everything posted by blackrb20silvia

  1. cheers mate thats what i thought im pretty good with most things and i pulled the head off last time and pulled the bottom end apart of the other block so i think i be ok just wanted to make sure cuz i dont want to go back i want to finish b4 the weekend cheers mate much appreciated matt
  2. walkin out da door in 5 people need help!!!
  3. bump sorry leave in 25 min
  4. sorry just doing a standard build for now wanting to build a big horse power motor using the old block i have for now i just need it on the rd new engine i want in in bout 12 months so for now i want it to be as power full motor as it can be for what i have so i dont want to mod the engine just want it to cope for 12 month thrasher so guess it has to be semi reliable mods are T4 turbo external gate 10psi front mount 3 inch dump and exhaust Custom high mount manifold GTR pump Xtreme heavy duty clutch standard computer fuel pressure reg (adjustable) thats bout it for the major things does this help thanks matt
  5. going to sydney in like 4 hours to get bottom end from SSS then gettin a complets VRS kit from lincorp my Q is what else do i need im only replacing the bottom end head is fine but what else do i need to get and also what else should i be replacing i already have a new timing belt for it i need this info ASAP as its a 4 hour drive there and i dont go alot so i dont want to go back again soon any help appreciated thanks in addvance matt OH SORRY I HAVE A RB20DET SILVER TOP IF THAT HELPS PEOPLE!!!!!
  6. no relation the question lukevl but browny that is a great post full off all the info you need not just a post like "just do this or just do that" its good to see people actually helping others not just throwing in there 2c sorry ill stop bitching now :box:
  7. do you have proof of purchase??? ie a reciept or reciept number?? these are the thing you should be asking before you purchase the items not after
  8. no not at all there is like 4 little plates all have mumbers or letters on the but none seem to mean anything and are hard to make out and you are correct it is an IHI/ borg warner i went to borg warner industries web site put in the B/W number (borg warner number) and the turbo is off a 98 6.5lt chevy pickup turbo diesel and how can you tell what bearing it has ??? it feels great spins so freely has a little play like half a mm but i asume this is becuase there is no preesurised oil to float the shaft or whatever it does is this a correct statement??
  9. can i put the turbo back together now? ppl
  10. ok at the narrowest point of the front its 53mm and the base is 68mm th rear is 55mm at the narrow and 62 at base what is the size and how do you work out????
  11. as in the base or the apex of the the teeth????
  12. hey ppl is there any way that i can find out exactley what size turbo this is where do you measure to find the size ect... (eg .84 or whatever they are measured in) i know it has a t3 flange thats bout it any ideas???
  13. have you still got bottom end? intact or busted arse
  14. sorry cubes only just read the last part of you post :Oops:
  15. custom made prefer not to mention who made have since been very dissapointed with there customer service fcuken assholes you know what actually i will tell you just to screw them over IMPACT AUTOMOTIVE FORSTER cost prob $500 but have had to cars done by them now well actually only the first one the silvia only had the manifold made there was happy till they where rude to me and wouldnt even qoute me on another mode that i could not do , shit it was onlu a down pipe from the dump that he made and forgot to put the oxy sensor thread in just told me that "meh..what ever it costs" and shrugged his shoulders i have since looked into doing it myself only could not do cuz couldnt weld and didnt have a welder shit sorry this tuned out to be a big bitch post hey???
  16. to be honest with everyone everysingle item on your car that has been altered from the factory is classed as a defect and i mean everything so to be frank i dont give a shit what is and isnt defectable that was not the point of my Q but thanks for your concern anyway also no one will no it chipped unless making the car excessivley rich and throwing out the a/f mix and if you look at mods already it would normally be defected i have worked with an engineer through every decision and when the car is finished say in bout 3 weeks all will be perfect not a single defect the whole car is engineered, the car so far is spot on just looking at and slight increase in power and reliability not megga horse power and thanks meggala i have fopund your sight usefull on many occasions and you came through again actually chris from the TOY SHOP in cardiff told me bout DR drift so he sounds the goods. 2 respected enthusiasts cant be wrong
  17. only legal in NSW if your car has the AIR FLOW METER removed ie with a wolf 3d ver4 and so on that does not need the AFM
  18. i guess i sorta hade that kinda figure in my mind for some reason??? i was only hoping for bout 230 with this setup and bout 280 when cams injectors ect then hoping to break into the 300 woth the RB24 does anyone think this is feasable??
  19. i had no problems clearing the bonnet using a R32 crossmember no moddifying at all sits nice and only by a bees dick does it hit the bonnet when gear box and mounted up
  20. point taken but will my car be drivable or will it make descent power as it is what will be the limiting factor in the system and about how many KW will i make reliably consdering the mods?? obvius i cant go above boost cut so will i make ...say 220@the wheel or less?
  21. i know the problem you are having here is a pic of my setup it loks like we are both going the same path with the engine build and i was looking for a plenum aswell my throttle body hits the bonnet to at the moment but it fits the reason i want to move mine is that i cant fit any desent sized thermos cuz of the pipe work and i want to keep under bonnet and inlet temps down so i dont have to cross infront of the radiator and back over the engine
  22. are you getting a head gasket made or using a tomei head gasket and curious bout the price of the pistons started the build myself aswell
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