RB25DET r33 gtst
Failure: heat related misfire
History: had the car a month, never pedal to the metal, but occasional appropriate usage. However, car was set up for drifting, nistune ecu and breathing gear on stock donk & snail at 18psi.
What happened: immediate loss of most power and noise - thought I'd blown a ring. Pulled over within 25 metres, wasn't speeding or putting any real demands on engine during routine daily commute. Problem identified as heat related by mechanics, who then blew turbo after sparks & coilpacks were replaced. Problem unsolved!
Failure: blown stock turbo
History: please see above
What happened: while checking for misfire re-occurance, mechanics blew up snail. Blamed vehicles probable history as sole reason for fault, but may not have checked boost pressure and used appropriatly, or been watching gauges.
Failure: engine failure on dyno
History: car put in care of larger performance workshop, and full recent history explained in writing. After new turbo installed, they think best way forward is dynotest. Heat related misfire occurs again (duh) and under load blows engine, specifics unexplained.
What happened: it's been reported that a teesy little noise was noticed just in time to get off the throttle, saving engine from total destruction. I decide on a full engine rebuild using better than stock parts, to solve issues for forseeable future
Bloody skylines huh? Maybe should have stuck with my old 1980 bluebird ?