Yes I saw it sitting there today when I was having a look for it. Not alot of room.The garage has quoted me $1200 to do the job. It seems a little on the high side. Hence me thinking I should put the overalls on and do it myself.Are there any tricks to getting it out easier or is it basically what you see you deal with. We took the car out today and it went fine apart from if you put your foot down.Then it just lagged. It got up to 100km/hr with no effort etc. It's only when you ask it for more it won't respond. There was a funny knocking noise under the bonnet for some months prior if it struck a hill etc. I put it down to a loose timing chain but it may of been a failing fuel pressure pump. Would that be a symptom? I will change the rear filter first I guess just to eliminate that.
I see some high pressure pumps on ebay for about $80. Over here in nz the local wrecker wants $900 for a second hand unit. What are your thoughts on this