and your point is???
I'm not changing my ways to please YOUR friend and I don't care whether she is a guy or a girl.....does she have a big exhaust tip? :bahaha: :bahaha: :bahaha:
Correct me if I am wrong...
Quicktrak uses radio waves and only in metro areas
Navtrak uses GPS + GSM network.
Eitherway, if they really want your car, they'd get it...
How many places can you hide the unit?
depends...the cops seem like bastards down there....
you'll find you will wind down the windows when reversing etc @ night...also when you get pulled over....put both windows down...
I always do...lets more light in so the tint looks lighter
dual solanoids do not always mean it can handle more boost, what it means is that it will be more stable, less spikes etc than a single solanoid. Go for a dual if you can afford it.