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Everything posted by ed

  1. ed

    drive ins r0x0r!

    hey what's this aerial converter you're talking about? how much is it? would it work on a 34GT-T? Sorry for hi-jacking
  2. ok I *think* this is how it works if your unit supports duplex - you are on ch4 and have setup to use duplex mode. - you press the button to talk and the unit sends your voice over as ch34 to the repeater (4 + 30 = 34 wow) - repeater receives your signal and broadcast it back out as ch4 - everyone on ch4 hears your voice
  3. I think the unit transmitt on 4 and receives on 34 automatically franks. EDIT: shoulr be other way around...receive on ch4 and send via ch 34
  4. easy... you talk on chanels 1-8 and you listen on channels 30-38 eg. you talk on channel 4 you listen on channel 34 Question to South (it's PL97 here ): Can you still use this function if you are outside of the range of a repeater? Do you need a repeater station setup inorder to use the duplex function?
  5. I saw a blue 33 GTST @ the entrance yesterday. plates WEAPON or something similar... and I saw a GTR wannabe with plates ONBAYL... they even had the GTR badge in the wrong spot on the back
  6. frank must have a thing for yellow dildo's
  7. none of my friends like those kinda movies bangboat
  8. that is correct. the $99 is probably what most of us have and being a uniden, there is accesories such as external speaker etc for it.
  9. was suprised to see you so far north franky Get your CB's for under $100 from http://www.dse.com.au/cgi-bin/dse.fileread...logs/CTG0001005
  10. I'll have to pass b'cos of the dawn run the next day :uh-huh:
  11. haha, well I saw the yellow dildo flashing his stuff at the entrance :eek: :shake:
  12. ed

    Team Westside

    :Owned: :wassup:
  13. nooooooooo I'll make sure i'm not on the cordless phone this time when transferring!
  14. I'm there...and this time I'll get a bit more video footage
  15. If you have a half reasonable reason for speeding you'll get let off. In your case I can't see them letting you off, esp since you are a P plater. I have gotten off a red-light offence and my excuse was half-reasonable and I went to the trouble of drawing up a diagram and stuff. Good luck with it anyway.
  16. I don't like your chances of getting off if you don't have an excuse. Just cop it sweet and sit on the sideline for 3months or do the 1pt for 12months. I did 1pt for 3 years :eek: Just drive sensibly :uh-huh:
  17. spend the money on doing a driving course coming from FWD first thing I'm gonna do is hit the track and get used to the car and how it responds :uh-huh:
  18. too much counter-strike me thinks :uh-huh:
  19. ribbed for YOUR pleasure ryan :uh-huh:
  20. line up guys :shake: :shake: :bahaha:
  21. :eek: the truth comes out with Ronin... :shake: :shake: :shake:
  22. I'll come up and watch, cheer and take a few snaps :uh-huh:
  23. ed

    Team Westside

    that's what happens when you're on a drought :uh-huh: :uh-huh: :burnout:
  24. ed

    Team Westside

    can't wait for this sunday's dawn run again
  25. I thought he said "what's a girl doing with this kinda stuff" ?
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