hey guys, i'm having some huge problems with my car and i'd appreciate it if someone could help me with a diagnosis.
These problems generally appear after i drive the car quite hard. Its a 93 R32 gts-t with a Ceffy rb20 in it. Minimal mods, VG30/RB25 turbo, FMIC, SSQV, Zorst, BB Clutch, Stock boost.
1. Idle - Revs drop to about 100-200 on idle, spike back up to bout 1500, then drop again. It does this over and over again on idle. AFM's been cleaned, idle control adjusted, fuel pump changed. Idle control helped a bit but the problem resurfaced again. When approaching the lights, drop it into neutral - revs drop, car stalls.
2. After driving it hard, sometimes acceleator elicits no response. Pressing it down, no revs, nothing. Silence. Then the other night, at the lights ready to take off, put her in 1st, press acc and the revs dropped. they didn't pick up, just kept dropping everytime i pushed the accelerator til she stalled, then wouldn't start up again. Had to roll her down a hill, wait 5 mintues, then she started up again.
Now, i've changed most things on the car as stated above, but the problem still sits. Is it possible that a very worn out turbo can cause all of this? My current turbo (VG30) is about to die and is spitting alot of oil into the pipes.
Can oil from the pipes seep into the engine and cause much damage? If so, what sort of damage?
Sorry to drain it but this problem doesn't seem to be going away. Any help from anyone would be greatly appreciated. The car is a bitch to drive atm - keeps stalling on me.
Thanks again.