Hi All,
Well I am significantly new to this forum and just as new to importing a car, so forgive me if I say something dumb. While I won't bore you with issues with a certain company compliancing my '04 Nissan Stagea ARX. I will ask if anyone knows to whether HID headlights were indeed a stock item for this model and if so, why would they be removed and replaced with a halogen globe as part of the compliance process ? i would have thought that if it was simply an incorrect color output that the globe would be easily replaced with another HID globe that is correctly rated ? I've ridden pushbikes at night for years, and while I know that its a touch different to driving a car, but they are in my opinion a massive improvement from Halogen globes, and have seen many cars both after market and as standard that don't bother me while driving and yet have a great output on the road. Am I missing something or am I answering my own question without realising it ?
Additionally if anyone else has imported an m35 ARX, it would be awesome to know what it was noted as on the compliance certificate. As mine has been put down as a 350RX-Four.
Sorry if this isn't the right spot to pursue answers but I am busting to get my car on the road, and I am trying to make sense of things...